Looking at what is happening in some regions, where, obviously, the regional authorities decided to act according to the Chinese scenario, I say: “But it can continue to be like in China. Are you sure you want like in China? ”

They ask me: “What about China? There, the authorities perfectly coped with the most difficult challenge, cured everyone and cheerfully celebrates the victory. ” Well, that's not quite true. But the Chinese example, taken by some regionals for the scenario, is really worth a detailed analysis to understand what it is dangerous and what promises beneficiaries.

So, let's go back a little, in January 2020, when the news of a strange virus from Wuhan became known to the world. January 23, in Wuhan (one of the largest cities in China, administratively part of Hubei Province), public transport, metro, ferries and intercity / international flights were stopped. Residents are ordered not to leave the city and their homes. Closed all markets and shops, schools and parks. An emergency headquarters has been set up in the city to combat the spread of viral pneumonia. Formally, the decision was made by the mayor of Wuhan Zhou Xianwan, in an interview with reporters, he said: “It is necessary to seal the city.” The mayor's actions were coordinated with the police and the leadership of the Hubei Military District.

Next closes the entire province of Hubei. There is an emergency construction of quarantine hospitals for several thousand people. Wuhan imposes criminal penalties for violating curfews and “deliberate spread of the virus”. The world froze in horror, watching the panic of the authorities in China on the blockade of the city: flying drones chasing old women without masks over the city, sirens howl, doctors sealed in hospitals infected are literally dressed in space suits, and the temperature of patients is measured by drones through windows.

Wuhan is the Chinese 15 millionth, one of the most important industrial, transport and logistics centers in the country. The blockade of Hubei and Wuhan lasted 76 days. These 76 days of blockade and global panic brought down the Chinese economy, and its fall as a boomerang hit the entire world economic system - these are already well-known facts.

As The Wall Street Journal gloatedly wrote, the Chinese economy has shrunk so much for the first time since the Cultural Revolution: “The Chinese government usually falsifies its data on economic growth, so if it recognizes a 6.8% year-on-year reduction in the first three months this year, we can only guess how bad the truth is. ”

5 million Chinese lost their jobs in the first two weeks after the blockade ended. The fall in revenue in Hubei provinces is 98%, Henan is 30%, Guangdong is 27% (pay attention to this province, you will still hear about it below), Liaoning - 25% and so on.

People without money, without work, in a state of siege, the social situation inside China is extremely tense. In April, with the removal of quarantine in the province, mass protests began. Small businesses — about 70–80% of the population — ran out of money, ruined business.

After 76 days of quarantine and the official lifting of the blockade, riots broke out in Hubei Province. Because quarantine has been officially lifted, but roadblocks have not been removed. Until now, for example, residents of Wuhan are forbidden to visit Beijing, as the capital is preparing to hold an annual parliamentary session, delayed due to the crisis with coronavirus, to which the entire political establishment of the country is going. People can leave Wuhan only by presenting evidence that they are not infected (this scenario of a “health passport” is simultaneously developing in the Western Hemisphere).

Since April 13, Wuhan hosted anti-government actions that had to be suppressed by the police. Crowds overturned police cars and fences - so Wuhan “quits” quarantine.

When they say to you: “We want in China, because there they fought so successfully with the virus” - just check the facts. So far, strict restrictions on freedom of movement have remained in Wuhan. And millions of seemingly submissive and calm Chinese came out to protest - 4 million people came out only in Hunan Province (the province neighboring Hubei). These are traditionally protest "Komsomol" regions. According to experts, China is always slowly swinging politically and by May the situation could reach the stage of revolutionary uprisings.

Once again: do you really want to like in China?

The most popular memes from the time of Russian self-isolation are cats who wake up a certain Natasha and regularly inform her that they again dropped. The ruble was dropped, the economy was dropped, the oil price was dropped. “Get up, Natasha, we’ve dropped everything, everything, everything, honestly!”

Who dropped everything so skillfully and quickly in China? Russian Sinologist Nikolai Vavilov, author of The Uncrowned Kings of Red China. Clans and political groups of the PRC, ”believes that all the excess actions around the“ fight against the epidemic ”are undertaken by people from the liberal pro-American Komsomol and one of its geographical centers - Hubei Province (Wuhan is located in this province). And the head of the Hubei political group is Xi Jinping’s failed successor, Deputy Prime Minister Hu Chunhua:

“After the election of Xi Jinping to the post of general secretary, a version was circulated in the media that Hu Chunhua, who was appointed secretary of the regional committee of the provincial committee, will take over the post of general secretary after Xi Jinping, that is, in 2023. But the new PRC Constitution with the right of perpetual rule buried the plans of the Chinese liberal elite for such a scenario. And Guangdong, who Hu headed for five years, is the main source of the emergence and spread of epidemics in China, where he gained invaluable experience in "working with epidemics."

The current coronavirus epidemic - the most global of all - has a black shadow on the personal future of Xi Jinping, who is beginning to prepare for the next national congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 2022, where he should be re-elected and remain in office.

He urgently needs not only to defeat the virus, but also to revive the economy, without letting the most important tasks fail. In the first half of 2020, the launch of the most important global projects was planned: the launch of Huawei in Europe, Latin America and Africa, the launch of the digital renminbi as a new alternative world currency (both C and PLA challenged the US Federal Reserve monopoly). For the first time, China technologically overtook the United States. These are the results of his strategy “One belt - one way” (with the expansion of Chinese influence and the renminbi) - a strategy that brought him great success and allowed him to remain in power.

And in this most important year, before the start of the Chinese New Year holidays, an infectious outbreak in Wuhan occurs in the Chinese information lull, which instantly - thanks to the unprecedented attention of Western media - spins up like a "Chinese virus."

And the head of the central leading group for responding to an outbreak of coronavirus infection in the PRC (according to the Russian analogy, this position is occupied by Sergei Sobyanin today) is appointed a “Komsomolets”, Prime Minister Li Keqiang, who operates with Chinese statistics on coronavirus.

The influential Asian media Nikkei Asian Review writes: “C needs to focus on economic recovery, and for this you need to not see new cases of coronavirus for at least some period of time. But Premier Lee has a different point of view. He turned to the medical staff of the Wuhan hospital in January. This he is "against any understatement of statistics."

Nikkei Asian Review quotes a source in high Beijing circles who said that Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang allegedly reached some kind of compromise regarding statistics when suddenly the Hong Kong-based Morning Post (owned by Jack Ma and his Alibaba group) publishes the same “ sensation ”about 43 thousand asymptomatic“ coronaviruses, ”which were excluded from the general statistics, but included in it after the scandal and pressure from Prime Minister Li - so the Chinese statistics instantly grew to 120 thousand. The publication believes that this was a leak from the government.

So what if 43 thousand infected have no symptoms, the head of the central response team cites the doctors that these 43 thousand are dangerous to others and can infect millions. Fear is a good weapon. 

Another curious case is described in a large editorial by WSJ on April 7, which critically highlights the lifting of the blockade on Wuhan: “On Monday, the official newspaper (Narodnaya Daily newspaper) stated that there could be from 10 to 20 thousand hidden asymptomatic cases in Wuhan. The report was quickly deleted online. ” (That is, someone from the official Chinese authorities throws threatening statistics into the information space, while someone else with the authority carefully “watches the hands” of the statistics operator?) And then: “The accuracy of China’s data and how the virus behaves after April 8 (lifting the blockade) is crucial for other countries of the world. "Prime Minister Li Keqiang warned Chinese officials last month that they should be truthful in their coverage." The latter almost sounds like a threat to Xi Jinping.

For example, Prime Minister Li Keqiang, appointed chief coronavirus fighter and controlling all COVID-19 statistics, becomes a serious headache for Xi Jinping, said Katsuji Nakazawa, senior fellow at Nikkei Asian Review: “In the fall of 2022, when the Communist Party will hold its next national congress, Prime Minister Li Keqiang will be 67 years old (that is, a year less than the retirement age - 68 years old according to unofficial party rule), he is two years younger than Xi Jinping, and this factor also underlies their tension niy. "

The epidemic is that unique case when a minuscule Ministry of Health competes in influence with the military departments, owning (and having the ability to manipulate) the statistics of infected people. And the head of the national committee to combat the epidemic comes to the fore, pushing even the head of the country.

We will soon see Xi Jinping’s top-level political responses, but for now we’re seeing heads flying “below”.

Dismissed from posts: vice mayor of Wuhan, mayor of Hangzhou, vice governor of Henan province, secretary of the apparatus of the city committee and member of the PC of the city committee of Wuhan. As a result of the purges, a new secretary of the regional committee of Hubei province and a new emergency party secretary of Wuhan were appointed.

Arrested and are on trial: three Hubeis, including the head of the Supreme Court of Anhui Province (the home province of two Komsomol members of the PC Politburo, Prime Minister Li Keqiang).

On April 19, the whole deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PRC was arrested, apparently involved in the blockade of the provinces. According to experts in China, the Ministry of Internal Affairs supported the "cultural revolution" and was traditionally loyal to the "Komsomol members".

It is surprising (or not?) That the arrested Sun Lijun was educated in Australia, which is part of the anti-Chinese shock coalition led by the United States, Great Britain and Japan, standing firmly against the Chinese corporation Huawei. Lijun's specialty at Australian University was "public health." 

Regional measures in the fight against the virus are recognized by the Chairman of the PRC as "fatal." And the government’s Global Times, through its chief editor, directly blamed the Chinese Ministry of Health and the Wuhan government for the epidemic. (With them the fastest demand.)

Those who want to like in China have something to think about.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.