In the past 100 years, many forms of the economy have emerged, such as the green economy, the knowledge economy and the digital economy, then the purple economy. Recently, a framework for a new economy has been developed that will have a very large presence, and that will affect and be affected by the behavior of people, companies and governments, which is circular or circular economics. Economy It is an economic system that depends on changing the methods of manufacturing and consumption to reduce waste, and encourage the reuse and recycling of materials used in manufacturing in a circular manner, as if there was a closed loop that does not allow the introduction of new inputs into the production process, but the use of what is available, and thus is reduced Reducing waste and saving production costs, which helps reduce the prices of products, and thus reach a larger segment of consumers, thus improving the quality of life.

According to that philosophy, the circular economy will be the alternative to the existing “linear” economy, in which products are disposed of after consumption and mostly, without making full use of them. Despite the prevalence of recycling and reuse, there are still huge amounts of waste, and it is sufficient To know, for example, that every minute the equivalent of sixty truckloads of used clothes and the remains of fabrics and textiles are buried or burned (according to the Eileen MacArthur Foundation), of course there are thousands of such examples, whether in the food industry, electrical appliances, or Cars, etc. But if the rules of the game were changed by changing the manufacturing techniques and methods, and before that, the necessary policies and legislations changed everything, and I imagine that the current time is the best incentive for change and leave the linear economy behind us back.

The amount of food that is buried or burned daily, and other similar supplies, is sufficient to solve the food problem around the world, and then we will not need those international organizations that have been unable to solve the dilemmas faced by humanity.

The circular economy is based on three axes: the regeneration of the nature system, the design of an output and waste system, and the continued use of products and materials. The adoption of the new economic system would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 48% by 2030, reduce the cost of the health and nutrition system by 550 billion dollars, and reduce traffic congestion by 47%. Some countries, such as Scotland, have started to develop a national strategy to shift towards this system What is new is that some universities and educational institutions have started to offer courses and graduate programs in circular economy methods, and I believe that there will be more transformation steps, after crossing the Corona crisis, very quickly.


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I imagine that the present time is the best catalyst for change and that the linear economy is left behind.