Report on the status of therapeutic drugs at academic conferences and other cases of improvement, such as "Abigan" April 19 19:27

Amid the spread of new coronavirus infection, an urgent symposium was held by the Japanese Society of Infectious Diseases, and it was reported that there were cases in which treatment of patients was improved by administration of influenza drugs and asthma drugs. It is said that it is necessary to further evaluate the effect in the future.

The Japan Society for Infectious Diseases held a symposium in Tokyo in the form of delivering lectures without an observer on the Internet to prevent infections on the 18th, and members of the governmental expert meeting to treat new coronavirus and treatment The corresponding doctors and others reported the situation.

The new coronavirus has no specific medicine, and the medicine used for the treatment of another disease is being administered.Professor Yohei Doi of Fujita Medical University has administered the influenza drug "Abigan" to patients. I reported about.

According to it, out of 300 people who received Avigan, about 90% of the mild and moderate patients and 60% of the severe patients who needed a ventilator showed improvement in their symptoms after 2 weeks. , Professor Doi showed the idea that it is necessary to confirm the effect further in the current clinical trials.

In addition, a therapeutic drug for inhalation-type asthma "Orvesco" was also reported. Of the 75 patients who were administered after pneumonia, at least 3 patients had a worsening condition and needed a ventilator, The fact that only two patients died suggests that the rate of exacerbations may be reduced compared to when the drug is not used.

Professor Doi says, "There are cases where existing drugs have improved, but in order to confirm the efficacy, it is necessary to compare with patients who do not receive the drug and verify the timing of administration, etc." .

Also plays a role in preventing "medical collapse"

Tsuneo Morishima, a visiting professor at Aichi Medical University, who is involved in clinical studies in which patients receive the asthma drug "Orvesco" as the head of the national research group, said, "I can't conclude from this data alone, but by giving Orbesco. It could reduce the number of patients with severe pneumonia who need ventilators. As the spread of infection continues throughout the country, it becomes impossible to help more than the number of patients that medical institutions can accept. It is considered to be a drug that has an important role in preventing illness, so I would like to further analyze it. "