The lake is the eyes of the earth, the most beautiful and expressive face in the landscape. He grew up in the water system of Poyang Lake and loved the water alone. Looking at Luo Zhangqin's collection of essays "Po Lake Living" (Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House published in January 2020), you will feel the breeze on the surface of Poyang Lake. "Po Hu Sheng Sheng Ling" selects 16 kinds of animals and plants with special habits, poetic symbols, cultural traditions and practical significance to write, which not only has delicate observations and investigations, but also has humanistic feelings and wonderful leisurely feelings. In her pen, the creatures of Poyang Lake flowed through the gaps between words like a dream.

  Poyang Lake is China's largest freshwater lake and the largest migratory bird reserve in the world. "Pohu Living Beings" provides a panoramic view of the style of Poyang Lake in an era, perceives the changes of Poyang Lake in time, and thinks about the current development and the practical issues of life. By observing plants such as Artemisia selengensis, Polygonum sylvestris, and reed flowers in Poyang Lake, animals such as cranes, swans, herons, and finless porpoises construct an ecological landscape where people and nature coexist in harmony.

  The prose pays attention to true feelings. The "love" of "Pohu Life" comes from the author's innermost nature. In "The Taste of Artemisia selengensis", the author observes the homesickness deep in the years by observing Artemisia selengensis, and experiences the long friendship like water. And Artemisia selengensis is deep in Poyang Lake, lingering over the years and experiencing the astringency of life. In "Snow on both shores of Luhua", the author wrote the whiteness of reeds and the tenacity of life. This white is a bright beauty of life in the wetland, and the endless fate of reed peanuts reflects the flexibility and mightiness of a woman's heart. "Wuyuan Zao" is full of the joy of the harvest year and writes a natural view of the symbiosis of all things. "Wuyuan Zao" is the name of a kind of food. Not only did Wuyuanzao grow on Poyang Lake, but also people who were fed by this kind of food, forming their own production methods. Man and Wuyuan have long been in the company, so geography determines the existence of biology. Wuyuan has long been a food for human consumption, and it is also the hope of using modern technology to purify grain and increase production and income. In fact, Wuyuan has long been a symbol of human specific memory and life.

  Birds are the symbol of Poyang Lake, and the specific climate environment of Poyang Lake is a paradise for birds. And birds also added vitality to Poyang Lake. In the author's pen, Poyang Lake is dynamic and lyrical. In "Swan Mound", the male and female swans will echo each other in the dancing pose of Yuna. They are loyal to their feelings and stay together for life. Poyang Lake is the habitat of those noble birds, because they find their way back here.

  The vast waters of Poyang Lake have nourished the lives of Jiangxi people and bred a rich culture. The author wrote in "Duan Hong Sheng Li" that Hong Yan is the earliest, the latest and the largest number of migratory birds in Poyang Lake, but they are like dandelions, spreading their seeds all over the world. In "The Search for Dolphins", the author tells the touching story of Zhou Junqi, a volunteer who protects finless porpoises in Hukou. The people with feelings are full of poetry and form the ecosystem of Poyang Lake with the creatures of Poyang Lake.

  Prose writing is not easy to write, and excellent prose "like flowing clouds and flowing water, has no certainty at first, but often works in what it should be, often stops in everything it can't stop. Observing "Pohu Shengsheng" in this way, we can find that humans are both biological and geographical. At the same time, the temperature of feelings and the depth of humanity are confirmed in the lake water of life, and every grass and tree in nature has its existence significance. Therefore, when we use feelings and emotions to explain the world, the world somehow explains a water-like creature.

  "Pohu Life" is not only a textual study of Poyang Lake's vast history, but also an excavation of folk customs and a profound life experience. In the author's pen, the green mountains and waters of Poyang Lake, the scent of birds and flowers, and the dazzling human environment create a unique spiritual hometown together. Reading such text can make people understand that human beings should fully respect the dignity and right to existence of all things in the universe, and respect the love and life of all things in the world.

(Author: Xu Chunlin, the Department of Chinese Writers Association members)