The ardent monarchism of our progressive public has long been noted. No, with regard to Russian affairs, she, like the old one, has one slogan: “Down with the Tsar!”, Which is difficult to consider as monarchical. But everything changes when it comes to the British monarchy. In this case, the thousand-strong liberation choir sings hotly and enthusiastically:

"I despise the troublemakers,

I hate their machinations

I trust in the monarch

God save the king! ”

The Queen can also be stored.

This time, loyal singing occurred after the performance of Queen Elizabeth II. In a difficult time for the people of Britain, she instilled courage in the subjects, reminded of how the British had done their duty before, and expressed confidence that later, when the infection was blowing, the descendants would proudly talk about the British in 2020: “It was their the most glorious hour. "

The traditions of the monarchy word in good times were perfectly maintained, for which the Queen is honored and praised. But the liberators did not like the queen per se so much as the queen as compared to V.V. Putin. They were unhappy with his performance - he spoke darkly and languidly, while Her Majesty kindled the hearts of her subjects. At least, the Moscow world decided so - the British were not particularly asked.

Such a warm perception of the British monarchy word is psychologically understandable. It is hard to be in a state of constant denial. I would like to be embodied in a seven-pood merchant (i.e., in the John Buhl osmi-pood) and with all my heart to bang something loyal. As a result, it reminds the girl Nastya from Gorky's “At the Bottom”, who dreamily talks about her unforgettable friend Raul (at the beginning of the 20th century Raouls were exclusively noble Frenchmen). Though carcasses, even scarecrows to beat the nation of enlightened seafarers - what to do with such human weakness? It happens.

But if you touch on the merits, the Queen of England is easier than the Russian president. She reigns, but does not rule. And only occasionally inspires his good people with a soulful monarchy word. And specific commands, which may be pleasant or not very pleasant (mainly the second), are addressed by the Prime Minister of Her Majesty.

But since Prime Minister Boris Johnson is on the bed of a serious illness and the vertical of British power is virtually paralyzed, then everyone and no one are taking command. Which does not add either order or clarity to the affairs of the kingdom.

At the same time, the good people of Britain have an abstract concept. Ideally, the people, of course, are kind, troublemakers despise and hears the monarchy word.

In real life, the British people (like every people) are diverse in their manifestations. He, like a tree, suits both the icon and the club.

Residents of Birmingham, Liverpool, Melling, and Merseyside set fire to five 5G cell towers, convinced that cell repeaters were spreading the disastrous COVID-19. And on the air of the public radio station Uckfield FM, the lady, presented as a “registered nurse,” said that 5G sucks oxygen from lungs. That is, enlightened navigation by enlightened navigation, but in terms of civilization, part of British society easily returned to almost seven centuries ago.

Then, in 1348–49, the inhabitants of Barcelona, ​​Augsburg, Salzburg, Munich, Strasbourg, Toulon and other cities beat and expelled Jews, being convinced that they were spreading a destructive infection. Even a specific mechanism of infection was reported: a mixture of Christian hearts, spiders, frogs, lizards, human meat and consecrated bread. This cultural experience turned out to be very long-lived: in Russia back in the 19th century, doctors were killed in the cholera, also attributing the spread of the deadly 5G to them.

Therefore, it is hardly worth talking with such tenderness about the British Queen and her subjects. Everything is black, everyone jumps, and in hard times, the thin film of civilization disappears at an alarming rate. Great Britain even turned out to be the leader of wildness, which, however, also still does not mean anything. The infection has not abated at all, and we cannot know what else other peoples and states can reveal to us. Without turning off our own. The madness of 1348 walks alongside everyone, a fad like COVID-19 hit their brains very hard, and everyone should be sober soberly so as not to do business.

Now it’s wiser not to let pink snot from the British monarchy (how much can you ?!), but rather turn away from Liverpool and Birmingham. For anyone can be in their place - at such times only an insurance policy gives a guarantee. That is, no one.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.