Distribution of all cloth mask households Start mailing next week 12:07 on April 9 with priority on urban areas


As a countermeasure against the shortage of masks due to the spread of the new coronavirus, mailing of cloth masks, which the government intends to distribute to all households nationwide two by two, will start next week with priority given to urban areas such as Tokyo. Was.

Regarding masks that are in short supply due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the government plans to distribute two sets of cloth masks that can be washed and used repeatedly to all households nationwide.

Distribution will be given priority to urban areas such as Tokyo where the infection is spreading, and mail will start next week. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is working on packing for mailing, and it will also mail a flyer with instructions on how to wash it. The distribution target is about 58.5 million households, which means that 130 million copies will be prepared in total.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the total expenses required for securing and mailing masks are 46.6 billion yen, of which 23.3 billion yen will be covered by this year's budgetary contingency, and the remaining 23.3 billion yen will be included in this year's supplementary budget plan. It is a policy to account.

In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare plans to distribute 130 million cloth masks for nursing home users and pregnant women separately.