【Cultural Analysis】

On April 2, Mr. Hao Mingjian, a famous linguist and publisher, died of illness in Shanghai. The publication "Bite Words" was founded in 1995 by him. It is the first publication in China's publishing industry to correct the use of social language. It is famous for its "bite" text errors. It is known as "Yulin Woodpecker" and has profoundly affected the Chinese Chinese life.

"Bite words mean that everyone is careful in their writing and rigorous scholarly attitude." Mr. Hao Mingjian once explained the origin of the title. Today, when we mourn and commemorate this publisher who has defended the purity of language all his life, we must keep in mind his proverbs and the rigorous spirit of "biting the words".

Language and writing are indispensable communication tools and thinking tools in our daily work. There are no rules and rules, and the standard, accurate and vivid use of the language of the motherland is of great significance for us to communicate emotions, express ideas and knowledge, and inherit cultural memories. Despite this, there have always been voices in society that writing a few typos is trivial and irrelevant; standard punctuation is a trivial matter, it ’s okay to look for things; words that do n’t make sense, and literary philosophies are personal and fashionable; or even “no mistakes, no books, no mistakes "No journal, no error, no newspaper" is almost normal.

Take the "Top Ten Chinese Mistakes" published in "Bite Words" in 2019 as an example, "main melody" is mistaken for "main string rhythm", "shameless" is mistaken for "shameless", and "not thinking" is mistaken for " "I don't think so" ... the difference between the words is a thousand miles. As everyone knows, it is this kind of "Mr. Almost" performance that destroys the purity and health of the Chinese language, and also reflects the style of some people who are scrawling and perfunctory in everything.

As early as 1951, the mainstream media had discussed the issue of the standardized use of Chinese, proposing that "everyone is responsible for correcting this phenomenon in order to establish a serious style of correct use of language." Today, each of us There is still a need for more and more rigorous spirit of "biting words". One word refuses to relax, one word refuses to be ambiguous. This is the awe of the mother tongue, the awe of the writing, and the awe of the excellent Chinese traditional culture and human wisdom.

Compliance with language standards is the foundation of rigor. Human growth is a process of continuous socialization, that is, a process of accepting social culture and norms and gradually adapting to social life. As an important part of social norms, language norms can help people establish basic expression habits, speech skills and thinking systems, and maintain the integrity and unity of language. Observing these standards and norms will help our social communication to be smooth, thoughtful logic to be meticulous, and the improvement of memory cognition.

Learning language knowledge is a rigorous guarantee. "Language is not something you can learn at will, and you have to work hard." Punctuation, phonetics, words, grammar, rhetoric, logic, writing, every detail can't tolerate carelessness, and requires patient and meticulous analysis and perseverance. The study and study of the school need to be constantly revised, improved and improved in practice.

The high-level version of "biting words" is a perfect fit for the pursuit of thoughts and emotions and language. In ancient and modern times, many literati giants have used the most small and basic word-sentences in every place, carefully selected and carefully considered, and left many words of refining the words "for humanity is a long sentence, and the language is not amazing." "Literature expresses thoughts and emotions in words. If there is ambiguity in the words, it seems that the thoughts have not been thorough, and the emotions have not been condensed." Zhu Guangqian pointed out sharply, "Bite the words and chew the words. On the surface, it seems that it is just the weight of the words. Thoughts and emotions. "

As the basic elements and distinctive signs of culture, language is an important carrier of cultural inheritance, development and prosperity. Only with the more "bite-and-bite" spirit of rigorousness can the language and script move forward on the standardized road, and help China's excellent traditional culture to radiate more vitality.

(Author: Chairu Jin)