Today, the temperature in Beijing is 23 ℃, it is sunny and warm, and it plunged to 10 ℃ in light rain on Thursday.

China Weather News today (6th), Beijing continues to have fine and warm weather, the highest temperature will soar to 23 ℃. Starting tomorrow, under the influence of cold air, Beijing's temperature will gradually decline, and it will usher in diving on Thursday. The maximum temperature will suddenly drop to only 10 ℃, and there will be light rain.

Yesterday, the weather in Beijing was mainly sunny. There were two or three south winds in the afternoon, with a minimum temperature of 3.9 ℃ and a maximum temperature of 18.6 ℃.

Beijing Sunshine Online this morning, the weather is fine and warm.

Today, Beijing continues to have fine and warm weather, and the maximum temperature will reach its recent high. It is estimated that during the day, the weather in Beijing will be sunny to cloudy, with light showers in the mountainous area in the evening, north to south winds 2 and 3, with a maximum temperature of 23 ° C; .

Overall, the temperature in Beijing will fluctuate greatly this week. After soaring to 23 ° C today, under the influence of cold air tomorrow, Beijing's temperature began to go downhill and will dive on Thursday. It is estimated that the highest temperature in Beijing on Thursday is only 10 ° C, accompanied by light rain, and the cold returns. People who are going to pack up their seasonal clothes must keep a few thin winter coats. After cooling down on Thursday, Beijing's temperature will soar again, and the highest temperature on Saturday will return to above 20 ℃.

Beijing forecast for the next seven days.

Experts reminded that today Beijing's temperature is rising and it is suitable to open windows for ventilation, but the pollen concentration is extremely high and health protection is still needed. The temperature fluctuates obviously in spring, and the cooling + rainfall mode restarts on Thursday. Please pay attention to the near-term forecast and pay attention to precautions. Beijing is currently in the orange warning of forest fire danger. It is dry and dry, pay attention to the safety of fire and electricity, and beware of fire.