Kristianstadsbladet was reporting that Region Skåne's campaign "A Swedish Raccoon" was quickly withdrawn after the Beredskapsmuseet, which owns the copyright to the image "A Swedish tiger" heard of it.

The raccoon, like the iconic Swedish standby tiger, was streaked and visible from the side with its head facing the spectator.

"Not war"

Since the article was circulated, both locally and in national media, many readers have reacted in social media. Many believe it is wrong that an important message about washing your hands in times of crisis should not be used.

- A Swedish tiger belongs to our history, to the years of preparedness. It is a crisis now, but not a war, and you are not allowed to change the picture, says Maria Andrée, representative of the Contingency Museum.

She says that Region Skåne has not asked for permission and that copyright cannot be waived just because it is a crisis.

- The picture has a huge explosive power, if you have seen it once you recognize it forever. It is Sweden's most famous image. Would they have said the same thing if used in the "wrong" context - should we bid on it too?

Tongue in cheek

Region Skåne, which has now designed a new raccoon, says that you do not want any conflict, but is adamant that the picture was a personal interpretation and an important one.

- As we see it, it is a way of spreading important information with the blink of an eye and giving a glimpse of history, says Annika Hörlén, brand manager at Region Skåne.