China News Service, Lanzhou, April 5 (Reporter Cui Lin) is another Ching Ming Festival. Unlike previous years, it is still in the period of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic. In this day when the living person remembers the dead, remembers the ancestors, pines grief, and goes to the grave to sweep the grave In the cemetery in Gansu, the "valet sacrifice sweeping" service received more than 100 orders, and the "valet priest sacrificer" entered the public's field of vision.

They and the live broadcast personnel accompanying the sacrificial sweepers put flowers, tea candles, wish cards and other tributes in the basket and bring them to the tombstones of the family members of the client. They wipe the tombstones, present flowers, tie the wish cards, bow and salute on behalf of the other party, live broadcast through the cloud Feedback to the client on the scene of grief activities on the spot, this new method of offering sacrifices also attracted attention.

There is a view that sincere worship can only be shown on the spot, and it is not appropriate for the Internet to accept "online cooking." Some netizens even admit that this method is worse than not offering sacrifices, and then wait for the epidemic to end.

The picture shows the "valet priest" to help the people at the scene. Photo by Cui Lin

At the same time, there are also some supporters of the new approach. They believe that putting a photo on the Internet, playing a song, and writing a message to loved ones are both environmentally friendly and convenient. In fact, what is important is not the form, but "the old man in the heart."

In Lanzhou, Zheng Yong, the person in charge of the Wollongong Garden Cemetery, told reporters from China News that the cemetery began to explore green sacrifice sweeping methods as early as a few years ago, but the "valet sweeping tomb sweeping" and "space-time mailbox" services were frequently cold. , Not many orders are received throughout the year. Only after the outbreak occurred, the network funeral services gradually increased.

Coincidentally, civil affairs departments in many places in China have also "outreached" to advocate "Internet +" services. For example, Guangxi funeral and burial service agencies opened an online sacrifice service, and the public entered the online sacrifice scan module to implement the home sacrifice scan; Fuzhou Mawei also launched a "generation sacrifice scan" service to help overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese fulfill their wish to remember their ancestors through live broadcast on WeChat .

Back to about 2000, with the development of computer technology and the diversified development of people's spiritual needs, "network sacrifice scanning" has emerged, but it has been carried out intermittently, and the heat at this time has been raised again.

The picture shows the "valet priest" to help the people at the scene. Photo by Cui Lin

Some sociologists believe that Qingming Festival is one of the traditional Chinese holidays, which aims to regulate the order of human relations, promote family harmony, cultivate the next generation of moral cultivation, and gather social empathy. With the advocacy of the official concept of "deep support and thin burial" and "civilized sacrifice and sweeping" in recent years, and the network funeral services spawned by the "epidemic", social acceptance has gradually "heated up", and this way of thinking may become a new custom in the future.

"Hao Yang Bo Burial" has also been implemented in history, and there are records that during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Cao Cao once explained that he was simple after his death, which made many people think that such ambitious people even proposed the Bo burial. His descendants also followed this rule. Cao Pi was the first emperor to promote the burial atmosphere. When he admired the elders for being alive, they could make them spend a good old age more than anything else.

The reason why the Chinese national culture is enduring is traced back to the inheritance and continuation of the filial piety culture. No matter what kind of sacrifice method the people choose according to their actual situation, the most important thing is to practice good respect, nurturing, hospitality, and standing The essence of traditional filial piety, good ending, etc., and content is more important than form is the topic that people should think about nowadays.

The increasing diversity of funeral services is itself a reform of social customs. This is a long process and cannot be achieved overnight. Whether it is the official worship of civilized sacrificial acts or the people ’s choice of “Internet sacrificial sweeping”, this is not a substitute for traditional sacrificial sweeping. It is more about promoting a concept of convenience for the people and providing people with more choices. Through technological innovation, both Being able to contemplate sadness and achieve low carbon is the clear meaning we need to read. (Finish)