“Mama .. I don’t want to die now .. I didn’t have the time I needed to live like my sister, she is several years older than me and tried more things .. Why do I suffer from asthma crises and diseases attack me a lot .. Does this mean that I will be infected with Corona .. tell God I do not want to die with this virus! "

With these words, my daughter woke me up in the morning; her older sister had told us - the evening of the previous night and according to data from a global application that tracks and monitors statistics related to Corona - that the injuries exceeded six hundred cases, and the first of those injuries died in the Gulf country in which we live .. I noticed that what is going on Around us frightens our children .. terrifies them, makes them in a closed circle rotating between fear, fear and loss.

Silence a little .. I reviewed what happened yesterday, we did not go out of the house for weeks except to exercise once a day, then ask to change all clothes and leave the shoes outside .. wash hands every hour, use sterilizer after every touch of a handle or a cup .. keep our tools personal. Follow the news and share it with friends over the phone: The only way available now .. Then check on it whenever she sneezes or has an emergency coughing episode .. And on her sister if she sneezes or her fever rises .. Oh God, she transferred her panic without my intention.

Although I am neither an exaggeration fan nor excessive panic, what my little one said confirms that our children are not just small creatures that move around us to play and play while we wish to secure their future alongside their food, clothes, and memory, and we make sure they go to sleep; rather, they are sensory pods that have not lost their sensitivity After what we experience and we are afraid of, and that .. and this prompts us to think carefully about how we tell them what is happening without exaggeration or understatement .. How do we believe them to say away from the horror that may account for us and them?

"When our feet are tired, we continue thanks to our hearts, and if our hearts are tired we continue thanks to the strength of our faith" ((a manuscript found in Acre, Paulo Kuehlho).

I went out of my silence and attached it and passed my hands to her hair. I told her that God now hears her and knows her request. She attended a breakfast she loved, and we sat talking about that very little virus that does not walk and does not move, but we carry it and move it and spread it!

I remembered a video I had previously seen of a teacher putting black pepper grains crushed in a dish with water, and asking the kids to dip their finger in the bowl so no change would happen, then she asked them to put soap on their hands and dip them again, so the thin pepper grains would soon retract away.

I was shocked by the thoughts of a seven-year-old girl, who follows up and collects information, then analyzes it and adopts her personal positions about it .. I added it again .. I made her read what was written on the WHO website about the disease, its transmission to children, the importance of hygiene and social divergence ... and expectations of its decline soon .. and the experiences of countries that have succeeded in Skip it .. If you will know anyway, get the knowledge from reliable sources

We tried the idea; she put her finger in the same way and laughed after it..and I understood what I meant by the idea..I told her that these hygiene instructions are important to protect us in the event that the virus is around us, or on one of the surfaces despite our precautions .. and not adhering to the precautions does not mean that we are infected but only to avoid them. .

I asked her why you feel all this anxiety? She told me that she was tired of staying home away from her friends, school and daily routine..No one visited us for nearly a month .. She also hears me talking on the phone with my friends about what is happening in their countries..You know I reassure everyone but she thinks I am too optimistic. Especially since she follows the numbers in several countries with her older sister, and she knows that the numbers are increasing every day!

I was shocked by the thoughts of a seven-year-old girl, who follows up and collects information, then analyzes it and adopts her personal positions about it .. I added it again .. I made her read what was written on the WHO website about the disease, its transmission to children, the importance of hygiene and social divergence ... and expectations of its decline soon .. and the experiences of countries that have succeeded in Skip it .. If you will know anyway, get the knowledge from reliable sources.

We went out to check on the roses that we sowed five days ago ... they had germinated and shredded their vegetables the dark soil .. I found an opportunity to talk to her about the seed and its idea, and the necessity of believing that we are staying here by God’s command and timing, and as long as we breathe we must take care of our health, and continue to live as if we will stay Forever we grow and grow, and enjoy our simple moments and do not give in to fear, just as we must stay away from what hurts others because we may leave after just seconds .. no one knows when its time comes?

"Death is not a horrific thing in itself, but what it leaves for the living from the remains of the lives of the departed" ((Strings of Water, Muhammad Al-Makhznji)).

She was a little silent .. And there was a long dialogue after that about the feasibility of hiding the timing of our departure .. Was it if we knew about it we would have acted in the same way or we would have used our lives better and may be worse .. I guided that leaving the hour of our departure is unknown more comfortable than knowing the departed and not to whom Around them, they would have probably gathered longer moments with the ones they love!

My daughter thinks about death a lot, perhaps because of her father’s departure when she was young and her constant desire to bring her memories with him .. And during the past days, her fear of death crawling again towards our family: she, her sister, or me .. terrified the idea a lot.

In light of the long stay at home, the daily viewing paragraph became a window open to the thoughts and stories around us .. On that day we chose the movie "ONWARD", which tells about the eagerness of a child to meet his father who left the world before he was born, and delights his older brother because he lived longer. Before his thirteenth birthday, he writes a wish list, including meeting his father, playing with him, laughing and cuddling him.

Today passes and the child enters into several adventures in which his older brother participates .. To discover in the end that all he wished was within his reach with his brother all the time and it was not impossible, as he imagined, but his concern to obtain it in one way is the one who blinded him from feeling that presence ..

My little girl enjoyed the movie .. She cried in parts of it .. She laughed at another .. She embraced her sister .... She remembered her father .. She demanded her right to a long hug .. She said she has a lot now .. She told us that she will not be afraid of Corona or any other virus As long as we were together ... she continued to wash her hands and stay at home, but she became more comfortable and less anxious ..

“Everything a person goes through in his life is a must. Every matter is a necessity. Every event is an urgent need.” (Small Death, Muhammad Hassan Alwan).

Every day my conviction is increasing that this affliction carries with it many benefits and discoveries for all of us .. Perhaps the most important of which is what we have discovered is the necessity of rearranging our priorities and determining the amount of energy expended in each option ... and not the last of which is the breaths that the earth inhales from all our sins towards it ..

The necessity of the event and its role in changing our outlook and developing our dealings with life, ideas that are perhaps not complicated to explain to our children, but before that we need to broadcast an adequate dose of safety and reassurance alongside caution .. This is a huge number of daily news about the pandemic and the ability of that object to exclusively concern the entire world May gradually put us into a cycle of anxiety, sadness and fear.

We need to monitor ourselves; we are the first line of defense in our families .. It has become our duty to know without drowning in the torrent of sweeping news .. We try what is useful and we do not give in to everything that is published or said .. We live what we have left in times of peace, tranquility and calm, we will not The angel of death comes ahead of time, so let us know ourselves now about its nature without distractions ... and to ascertain from the strength of our relationships with others

Therefore, we need to monitor ourselves; we are the first line of defense in our families ... so it is our duty to know without drowning in the torrent of sweeping news .. We try the beneficial and do not give in to everything that is published or said .. We live the remaining times we have in peace, tranquility and calm, The angel of death will not come prematurely, so let us know ourselves now about its nature without distractions ... and to ascertain from the strength of our relationships with others.

“Life can be summarized in two words: reception and farewell .. but it is nevertheless infinite.” (Honorable, Naguib Mahfouz).

At the end of that day, we agreed that tomorrow will be completely free of talking about Corona and its news .. We set a time to see the news of the virus once a day, and we set a specific hour to exchange dialogue on our fears and thoughts ..

We started to imagine what we would like to do in the post-Corona world .. We exchanged funny ideas for the first meeting with our friends after stopping peace by hand or kissing and hugs for a long time .. We expected human fear of the first experience of these matters again .. Imagining the shape of the streets and how crowded and everyone They walk non-stop in an attempt to obtain freedom from their plunder.

We tried to paint their image while inhaling the air directly and not through a window or from behind a protective mask .. And of course, we had in mind the fate of all sterilization and cleaning tools that have become more important than food in our homes: will we remain on our side with them or will they return to their previous position?

We have made a pledge that - if God escapes that experience - we will see all cinema films that will be shown in the future .. We have set a list to choose the country we will travel to this year .. We committed ourselves to writing every day or recording an audio clip of what is happening around us, to keep the memories of that period Alien in our memory ..

At this point our little eyes shined and told you these recorded situations will be very useful for what I will tell my children and grandchildren about that virus, which seemed to have pressed the pause button for the whole world, but it opened the time in our house so I had the full time of your grandmother and your maternal aunt!