As infection spreads, complaints about “not enough nursery teachers” appear on April 2 at 17:16

Despite the increased number of dismissals and suspensions due to the spread of the new coronavirus, some workplaces are still worried about labor shortages. One of them is a nursery school. Nowadays, there are a lot of voices complaining that there are not enough childcare workers.

Successive posts "I will quit the nursery teacher"

"Because there are not enough people, the staff work with heat every day. Clusters may occur."
"I'm a nursery teacher who goes to work even if I'm sick.
"I'm going to quit in the summer ... I can't do it anymore."

Today, Twitter has many such posts from nursery teachers. What is going on at nursery schools where children are always watching their children while elementary and junior high schools are closed all at once?

Anxiety at the work site

"It's just barely mentally."

This is the director of a nursery school in Tokyo. Behind the anxiety is the spread of the new coronavirus.

This kindergarten that keeps the lives of about 100 children. I intend to be thorough in virus control, but will the nursery teachers themselves be infected or, above all, their children? She is watching her child in anxiety.

"Considering closing a nursery school ..."

Another cause of anxiety is the lack of manpower.

There are about 40 nursery teachers in this nursery, including those working short hours. With the shortage of childcare workers, I always shift without having enough time. For example, I have asked three retired employees to return to the job site for "only one day and three hours" and to enter a shift.

He says that even if a child is absent from school, he / she cannot take a rest, and some nursery teachers leave their children to parents and relatives.

In such a situation, government support is limited to the distribution of cloth masks, and there is little support for securing human resources. Under such circumstances, the director thinks that if some of the nursery teachers become ill, it will be difficult to keep the nursery school open.

"While schools are closed, childcare centers are required to respond in a regular way, and there is no support from the government or local government to change this situation. We need to consider closing it. ''

"Labor shortage will accelerate"

The director recently has a sense of danger that childcare workers will disappear in this working environment. In fact, he said that after the news of the new coronavirus became widely featured, there were no, but few, candidates for recruitment.

The director wants you to listen to nursery teachers who support working parents and protect the lives of small children.

"I think that the fact that no new applicants are coming may have been avoided because of the fact that childcare workers who have to work in anxiety have been shunned. The shortage of childcare workers will only accelerate. ''