Medtronic, the global manufacturer of respirators, has announced the forfeiture of its proprietary rights for artificial respirators that it owns, and announced in a statement on its official website that it shares all designs and manufacturing information with countries that fight the "Curna" virus.

It is noteworthy that Medtronic is a global medical technology company. And the device that it announced to share with countries is PB 560, which was launched in 2010 in 35 countries around the world.

The company said in a statement on its official website, that the ability of this ventilator to use it in a range of care settings, in addition to its technology and design, make it a powerful ventilation solution for manufacturers, inventors, startups and academic institutions that seek to intensify the design and production of ventilators quickly.

The company has published design requirements manuals, manufacturing documents, and plans on its website.