The police in Seattle parked a car after a very fast chase on the city streets ... to discover that the person behind the wheel is a Pitbull dog whose owner tried to teach him to drive under the influence of drugs.

On Sunday afternoon, the police received several calls informing them of a driver's collision with two cars near Seattle in the northwest of the United States and his escape, local police officer Heather Axman told AFP.
Emergency teams also received several communications about a car, winding at a speed of 160 km per hour.

The police chased the car to discover that a Pitbull dog was in the driver’s seat. A man was sitting next to him, controlling the steering wheel and the pedals. The police had to put serrated metal barriers to stop the car and arrested Alberto Teto Alejandro, 51.

The man, who was put in custody pending an investigation on suspicion of driving the car under the influence of drugs, admitted that he knew "the driving dog", as the spokeswoman explained.

She confirmed that she had never witnessed such a justification since she joined the police ten years ago.

She said that the dog, a female, was not aggressive towards the police and was placed in a dog shelters.