Illustration of a person holding a smartphone - Yura Fresh / Unsplash

There is a lot of news on the Covid-19 pandemic right now. And you probably see more or less bizarre, captivating or even scandalous "news" passing on a friend's Facebook wall or landing directly in your mailbox. The “Fake Off” service of 20 Minutes is investigating this type of information specifically. Its purpose is to help you sort out the true from the false.

We return today to allegations widely shared in recent days, with a false message signed by "hospital staff" of Bordeaux or Rodez about the peak of the pandemic. A second false information concerns professor Didier Raoult, who directs the hospital-university institute Méditerranée Infection in Marseille. And finally, holding your breath in order to know if you are affected by the coronavirus, it does not work…. All the explanations in our podcast of the day, which you can listen to by clicking in the audio player above.

To avoid getting caught up in these allegations, adopt a few reflexes. Ask yourself what is the source of the message, especially when it comes to words copied / pasted on WhatsApp or on social networks. Also find out if the info has been verified by media or rumor-checking websites like Hoaxbuster. And if in doubt, don't share ...

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PODCAST. "Does cocaine kill coronavirus? "False, replies our reporter

  • Coronavirus
  • Health
  • Fake news
  • Containment
  • Fake Off
  • Wait a minute
  • Podcast
  • 20 Minutes Podcast