What invisible alliance under the forest?

Cover of the book “Sous la forêt” by Francis Martin. humensciences.com

By: Caroline Lachowsky

A whole network of invisible connections, strange and secret alliances have been at work under the forest for hundreds of millions of years between trees and mushrooms ...


Why did the trees, these motionless giants, make a pact with the mushrooms, these microscopic beings with amazing powers? How do they communicate with each other, in a network? And what can we learn from such a symbiosis in the undergrowth? To answer these questions, one of the world's forest specialists, biologist and mycologist Francis Martin, from INRA. It was he who discovered how trees and mushrooms communicate. He talks about it in his book Sous la forêt, to survive you need allies, published by HumenSciences .

(Replay of February 4, 2019)

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