And if we treated our sleep - Andalucía Andaluía / Unsplash

Containment, week 3 in France. On all continents, the Covid-19 pandemic is spreading. More than 700,000 cases are officially declared, reports AFP on Monday. And three billion people are called to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus. In this period of crisis, many people sleep poorly.

Gilles Payet, coach, sophrologist and trainer, offers in our podcast “Minute Papillon! »Four short exercises to help you fall asleep.

Breathing, mental visualization, “self-hypnosis”, Gilles Payet gives you his advice to dive into the arms of Morphée.

To ask the sophrologist a question for a new podcast, you can write it in the comments.

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PODCAST. Coronavirus: What apps and sites to continue physical activity at home? The advice of "Noraiya"

  • Containment
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Podcast
  • Coronavirus
  • Health
  • Wait a minute
  • Sleep