Very happy with what happened, a total commitment of millions of residents in the Emirates to remain in the homes during the period of the national sterilization program, streets completely devoid of cars, large and sprawling areas without any transit route, this happened without seeing a single military vehicle in the streets, and without To see members of the army, as is happening in all countries of the world, but that was the result of notices and awareness campaigns, and decisions published by the government, and close monitoring of the police work teams, and nothing more.

It is the state of love that has won the hearts of its people, and obedience to everyone who lives in it, with love, morals, and high-end human treatment, and it is not harmed by those who scorn them, because the vast majority is committed to the laws and government decisions, and this majority overwhelms a limited number who playboy.

What we felt during the period of the implementation of the program, the past days, of a marked commitment by the population to the instructions of the competent authorities, which called for restricting traffic and the movement of the public during times of implementation of the program, proves that the loyal and loving of the Emirates, whether they are citizens or residents, Arabs and foreigners, are many And they are the real wealth that can be relied upon in such difficult circumstances, and that they, in their love for the Emirates, have blind confidence in all that the government decides, because they are fully aware that this country wants good for them always and forever.

Our society is different, and our country is unlike any other country in its diverse composition, so it is never easy to direct and manage more than 200 nationalities in various languages, cultures and educational levels, and it is very difficult to ensure that the instructions, instructions and decisions arrive clearly and understandable to all of them, especially at this time, Under this pressure, and in such a crisis, the UAE nevertheless succeeded in this.

We are not China, we use one language for more than a billion people, and we do not have Europe or Russia, all of which have a similar social fabric, we are here to differ from them all, because we are in this relatively small country compared to the size of these, we bring the entire world between our borders, and the UAE includes residents of all nationalities of the world All of this, therefore, what happened from the full commitment not to go out and stay in the homes, cannot be absorbed by those who do not know how this state is managed with accuracy, wisdom, patience and capacity.

The Emirates addressed its people and those who reside on their lands with compassion, and launched awareness campaigns that address the minds and hearts of people, with convincing words, not with threats and intimidation. Everyone was keen on the state over them, so they exchanged those feelings with obedience and commitment, and the effective contribution to delivering its messages to the largest possible number of people, each according to his language and community, everyone contributed voluntarily, they felt social responsibility towards this noble country that provided them with everything, so they helped him with their full commitment to all For the decisions that he issues, and they themselves confront the anomalous voices, there are homosexuals everywhere, gay in their way of thinking, with their recklessness, and with their narrow mindsets, but here they never had an influence in the committed majority, but rather they found the response from their fellow citizens first, resented them, and released their cries Against their trivial calls to leave, and participated in erasing their negative effects, and launching counter campaigns in support of the state’s actions, they did so with personal initiatives from them without anyone asking them, which contributed to the state’s success in completing the sterilization program easily, smoothly and smoothly.

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