[Explanation] Against the background of major achievements in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Jilin Province, this province in the central part of Northeast China has gradually restored normal production and living order. In Jilin City, Jilin Province, Li Hongli's noodle restaurant opened again to welcome guests, patrons came to the door one after another, and tasted the taste of the authentic Wuhan hot dry noodles.

On March 24th, Li Hongli was still busy in her noodle shop, and the familiar dining scene finally reappeared.

Li Hongli, 43, is a daughter-in-law of Jilin. In 2002, she marry from Wuhan to Jilin City and lived in this city. Li Hongli said that her hometown of Wuhan is known as Jiangcheng, and Jilin City, where she was married, is known as "Northland River City". This is a fate. Since she first came to Jilin City, she has loved it.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the catering industry has suffered a lot. However, at the most difficult moment, Li Hongli felt the warmth brought by her second hometown. It turned out that the shop's landlord offered her rent reduction to show her support for Wuhan people.

[Contemporary] (Hot and Dry Noodle Restaurant owner Li Hongli) She (the landlord) said that I had discussed it with my husband before. If you don't tell me that the rent is free, I will give it to you. This particularly moved me, not just a matter of money, but their concern for me and support for Wuhan people.

[Explanation] Not only is the landlord letting Li Hongli feel the warmth of helping hands at the critical moment, many old customers in the past also sent Li Hongli a greeting in time to cheer her up.

[Same period] (Hot and dry noodle shop owner Li Hongli) and some of my old customers will WeChat, call me to ask, the condition of our home and the health of relatives in my hometown (Hubei), now many customers ask me after opening, First of all, I will ask, how is your family, and your health is pretty good, this really moved me, really, thank you all.

[Explanation] Li Hongli's noodle shop has resumed work. This news made many people living in Hubei, Jilin City excited. They took precautions, walked into Li Hongli's noodle shop in batches, ordered a bowl of hot and dry noodles, and felt the taste of their long-lost hometown. .

[Contemporary] (Customer Yang Jinhao) I miss my hometown, and then I came to this place, which is also a hot and dry noodle restaurant opened by our fellows. Then I ate a bowl of hot and dry noodles here to understand the feeling of homesickness.

Reporter Chai Jiaquan Jilin reports

Editor-in-chief: [Luo Pan]