Clinical research on new coronavirus "Avigan" March 22 19:19 in Japan

Avigan, one of the drugs expected to be used to treat the new coronavirus, has been shown to have a therapeutic effect in China, and clinical research has begun in Japan to administer it to patients.

Avigan, a generic name of Fabipiravir, was developed by a Japanese pharmaceutical company six years ago as a treatment for influenza, but it has been reported to pregnant women after animal experiments have reported side effects on the fetus. Can not be administered and should only be given if the country has decided to use it due to an infectious disease where other drugs do not work.

In China, a clinical study in which patients treated with the new coronavirus was administered showed that the drug was effective in improving symptoms such as pneumonia. Clarified its policy of formal adoption in treatment guidelines.

Even in Japan, the country has a stockpile of 2 million people, but from this month, clinical research to determine whether this stockpile of drugs is effective against the new coronavirus has started at Fujita Medical University Hospital in Aichi Prefecture. Started with

In a clinical study, about 80 people who were infected with the virus and had mild or asymptomatic symptoms were compared to see if the dose of the drug would reduce the amount of the virus. He had a teleconference with a medical institution to check the patient's dosing plan and the preparation of drugs and collection kits.

"Establishing an effective treatment for the novel coronavirus is a top priority. We want to show clearly whether Avigan is a promising drug," said Prof. Yohei Doi of Fujita Medical University Hospital. Talking