Following layers: the postpartum

Audio 48:30

Cesarean scar, episiotomy, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, trenches, lochia ... The "diaper suites" are still unknown or even taboo. Getty Images / Mayte Torres

By: Caroline Paré Follow

After delivery, the woman's body is transformed. The image of the body is modified, and the physical after-effects can be numerous, after 9 months of pregnancy and the ordeal of childbirth.


Cesarean scar, episiotomy, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, trenches, lochia ... These "diaper sequences" are still unknown, even taboo.

How to take care of your body after childbirth? How to inform women without dramatizing? Should we preserve part of the mystery of childbirth?

  • Pr Pierre-Marie Girard, infectious disease specialist at Hôpital Saint-Antoine in Paris, director of the Pasteur institute network (update on the coronavirus epidemic)
  • Dr Marie-Laure Brival, obstetrician gynecologist, head of obstetric gynecology service and medical director at Maternité des Lilas, in the Paris region, author of " My gynecological guide for dummies", published by First
  • Dr Madeleine Garba, obstetrician gynecologist at Issaka Gazoby Maternity Hospital in Niamey, Niger, teacher at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Niamey.

At the start of the program, taking into account global health news, we will update you with a specialist on the latest developments in the Covid-19 epidemic.

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