[Explanation] March 8th is International Women's Day. In the "2020 Chinese Women's Workplace Survey Report" previously released by Zhilian Recruitment and Baby Tree, the same positions, women's income is still lower than men's, more than 60% of the women surveyed believe that fertility is the main bottleneck for women's career development.

[Explanation] The report surveyed 65,956 valid samples and found that the overall salary of women in the workplace is 17% lower than that of men, but the gap has narrowed compared with 23% in 2019. It is worth noting that in the survey sample of the report, women accounted for more than men in the bachelor degree or above.

[Explanation] Why do women in the workplace have higher academic qualifications, but their overall income is lower than that of men? A scholar who studies the relationship between the media and women said that there are many factors, but overall, there is still much room for improvement in the employment environment for women.

[Concurrent] Assistant Researcher Sun Baihui, Communication University of China

(Women) have narrower promotion channels than men, and women have a lower percentage of senior executives or higher technical personnel. Men's and women's undergraduates compete for the same job, and (businesses) tend to hire men. There are also some parts, such as the physiological differences between the sexes and the social division of labor. Many of our very specific and detailed cognitive differences in gender differences lead to the final result. We describe it as the overall workplace environment for women's employment. A structurally unfriendly.

[Explanation] The Report also mentioned that the injustice suffered by women in the workplace mostly stems from gender. The survey showed that more than half of the women encountered "the status of marriage and fertility during the application process", more than a quarter of the women encountered "employees restrict job sex when applying for employment", and more than 60% of women in the workplace considered "fertility It is a burden that women cannot shake off. " Less than half of the women interviewed in the Report believe that marriage and childbirth are necessary choices in life, and some women in the workplace are trying to escape from marriage. In this regard, Sun Baihui believes that in the future the number of women of single marriageable age will further increase.

[Concurrent] Assistant Researcher Sun Baihui, Communication University of China

(In the workplace) Life like marriage and family is becoming a burden for the younger generation of women. I think the most fundamental reason is that women who have been better educated have improved their self-awareness. This is already the case in the United States and Western European countries. The proportion of single women of marriageable age is higher than that of married women, and then the United States is about the same. We are now slowly moving towards the same.

[Explanation] In order to eliminate employment discrimination and promote women's employment, in 2019, nine departments of the State Council jointly issued the "Notice on Further Regulating Recruitment and Promoting Women's Employment", which explicitly prohibits employment gender discrimination in the recruitment process. How can we further improve the employment environment for women? This industry also gives suggestions.

[Concurrent] Li Qiang, Executive Vice President of Recruitment

Related to the government, we think that it is necessary to socialize the cost of childbirth, and to share the burden of women's mental and material burdens caused by childbirth, rather than simply transferring this burden to the enterprise; internally, the company also There should be some virtualized organizations, such as female employees who are breastfeeding during pregnancy and motherhood, to help them solve some problems in life. These women are more willing to invest more energy and time at work.

[Explanation] At the same time, industry insiders also said that with the development of society and technological advancements such as AI, physical fitness has no longer become a major factor restricting women's employment, and women will welcome more career development opportunities. You can have a clearer plan, and you must be brave in the face of opportunities.

[Concurrent] Li Qiang, Executive Vice President of Recruitment

In the AI ​​era that is coming, I think emotional intelligence will become more and more important, and its proportion of competitiveness in personal competitiveness will become more and more prominent. This will instead provide women who are good at communication and empathy. With more opportunities for career development, women are encouraged to take a brave step forward. In career, they should clearly plan in which direction they want to work, and they should go down-to-earth in this direction.

(Shan Lu Yan Yuhe reports from Beijing)

Editor-in-chief: [Zhou Zhaojun]