Average monthly salary in January for the first time in two months plus 8:37 on March 6

The average monthly salary per worker per month was an estimated 276,000 yen, 1.5% higher than the same month in the previous year.

According to the preliminary figures of the “Monthly Labor Statistics Survey” conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for more than 30,000 offices nationwide, the total salary per worker, including the basic salary and overtime pay in January, is It was 276,520 yen on average.

This was 1.5% higher than the same month in the previous year, the first positive in two months.

Of these, full-time employees earned an average of 360,450 yen, 1.6% higher than the same month last year, and part-time workers earned 97,039 yen, 2.2% higher than the same month last year. .

Real wages, reflecting price fluctuations, were up 0.7% from the same month last year and became the first positive in four months.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "Overtime hours, which have been on a downward trend, mainly in the manufacturing industry, are declining. The effects of the spread of the new coronavirus have not yet been seen, but we will pay close attention in the future."