(Combating New Crown Pneumonia) A severely ill patient in Jingmen, Hubei refuses treatment and regains hope after psychological counseling

China News Network Taizhou, March 5 (Reporter Fan Yubin Intern Ying Shaoping Correspondent Wang Weijuan) "Doctor, you don't have to worry about it, I don't want to live!" Recently, in the second batch of Zhejiang Province to support the formation of the Hubei Jingmen Medical Team in severe cases Uncle Lin (pseudonym), in his 70s, has been reluctant to cooperate with treatment, and is still emotional.

Chen Tongxian provided psychological support for the team members. Photo courtesy of Taizhou Second People's Hospital

In response to this, the second batch of Zhejiang Province team members who supported the Jingmen Medical Team in Hubei Province, the deputy director of the Second People ’s Hospital of Taizhou City, and the team ’s mental health consultant Chen Tongxian immediately opened a video connection with the nurse and conducted remote psychological counseling to the uncle in the video: "Uncle, let's not be in a hurry. You can tell me something slowly, okay? We will try our best to help you find a way ..."

Chen Tongxian moved with his teammates. Photo courtesy of Taizhou Second People's Hospital

Under the persuasion of Chen Tongxian, Uncle Lin finally opened the box. It turned out that since the outbreak, many people in Uncle Lin's family had unfortunately contracted new crown pneumonia. Because they lived in different hospitals and wards, the family lost contact.

"The most reassuring thing is the third son." Uncle Lin said that the last news he received was that the third son was also infected with new coronary pneumonia and was more serious. "It's been more than half a month, and I haven't contacted my third son. I don't know how his condition is?"

Chen Tongxian connected with patient video. Photo courtesy of Taizhou Second People's Hospital

When he thought of his son, Uncle Lin was extremely anxious. "If he had something unexpected, what would it mean for me to be alive, I would die ..." Then talking about Uncle Lin crying in a video call.

Across the screen, Chen Tongxian deeply felt the deep love of an old father for his son. "Be assured, we will help you to contact you as soon as possible, and try to contact your son as soon as possible. I believe your son is also worried about your situation, so you must be strong to raise your body ..." After listening patiently, Lin The uncle's talk, Chen Tongxian targeted psychological crisis intervention for the uncle.

Uncle Lin expressed his willingness to receive treatment after calming down. In the follow-up psychological counseling, Uncle Lin's condition is getting better and better. Every time I hear that I want to connect with Chen Tongxian, I will be very happy. As soon as I open the video, I will be the first to say, "Please rest assured, I must cooperate with the treatment and recover Find my son! "

It is understood that the Jingzhou medical team in Taizhou this time mainly received critically ill patients. With the improvement of the patient's condition, including the gradual decrease of the critically ill patients in Jingmen City, the middle and severe patients also began to be admitted, and the emotional problems of the patients were also exposed.

Some patients have anxiety and depression, while others have trouble sleeping, which seriously interferes with the effect of treatment. These different levels of emotional problems require intervention by psychologists as soon as possible.

For half a month, in addition to providing good services to patients, Chen Tongxian also actively provided psychological support to team members every day. Due to the need for epidemic prevention and control, in addition to working in the hospital, the team members returned to the room with a relatively small range of activities.

"Often in the first week, everyone is fighting with a passion. As time goes on, the work pressure may gradually appear." Chen Tongxian said, "I strive to provide psychological support to nurses and doctors on duty every day. The group always pays attention to the team's mental health trends, releases mental health tips in a timely manner, and carries out targeted scientific popularization to ensure the positive power of the entire team. "(End)