Illustration of a man on a Parisian street - whitfieldink / Pixabay

In the 20 Minutes news podcast “Minute Papillon! We are talking about the law. Sunday and Monday, employees of the Louvre exercised their right of withdrawal, considering themselves threatened by the epidemic of coronavirus. A right of withdrawal also invoked Monday, by bus drivers in Essonne.

What is the right of withdrawal? What the law says ? What are the possible limits? Our journalist Caroline Politi answers you in the news podcast of the day "Butterfly Minute!". To listen to it, it's as simple as a click in the player above. To find the entire article from our journalist, it's here.

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PODCAST. "Does cocaine kill coronavirus? "False, replies our reporter

  • Health
  • coronavirus
  • Employees
  • Wait a minute
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Podcast