China Weather Network News predicts that today (26th), there will still be more clouds in Beijing's sky, with the highest temperature around 9 ° C. Recently, Beijing's cloudy and sunny transitions are frequent, and there will be rain and snow on the 27th to "disturb", and the temperature will drop accordingly. Citizens are reminded to pay attention to appropriate "spring cover" and beware of colds.

Yesterday, the wind in Beijing was weak and unable to drive heavy clouds. The sky became clearer in the afternoon. Yesterday during the day, the highest temperature in Beijing was around 9 ° C, and the temperature gradually became warmer.

This morning, there were more clouds in the sky in Beijing. (Picture / Wen Wenwen)

According to the latest forecast released by the Beijing Meteorological Observatory this morning, during the day, Beijing will turn cloudy to northerly and turn southerly at levels 2 and 3, with a maximum temperature of 9 ° C; at night, cloudy to overcast, southerly at level 1, 2 and the minimum temperature will be below zero 2 ° C.

Recently, Beijing ’s weather has changed frequently. It is expected that on the 27th, there will be rain and snow to “disturb”. The temperature will also stop rising and the maximum temperature will drop to about 5 ° C.

Starting on the 28th, the temperature in Beijing will slowly return, and the rising tide will continue. Until March 1st, the maximum temperature is expected to rise to about 10 ° C, a taste of spring.

However, when the seasons change, the temperature rises and falls, the citizens need to pay attention to the appropriate "spring cover", do a good job of hydrating and moisturizing, beware of colds.