Pénélope Boeuf, podcaster, head of the studio La Toile Sur Ecoute - Viviana Morizet

In “Minute Papillon! », Meeting with Pénélope Boeuf, podcaster, boss of the podcast studio" La Toile sur Ecoute ", but also trainer and consultant. The 30-year-old who speaks faster than her shadow is an overactive independent podcast in our country. She writes, produces and produces her podcasts in her series "L'arnaque", "Pique-Parole", "123fiction".

Its trademark: short formats, very rhythmic, cheeky ... even completely crossed out. A colorful and sparkling style. Meeting with Pénélope Boeuf, her background, her projects, the podcast today, the difficulties of the community, the next publication of her book (May 6) and the scene in the crosshairs. You can listen to this interview in the audio player above.

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