Nutrition experts confirmed that ginger is able to fight colds and coughs if mixed with honey and drink it in a glass of water.

A study by London's ST.Bartholomew Hospital found that ginger lowers the cholesterol level. Boiled sweetened ginger with honey for cold, coughing, expelling winds and soothing colic, by taking a small spoonful of ginger powder and adding it to a full cup of boiling water and letting the mixture soak for 15 minutes, then adding a large spoonful of honey bee mixture and mixing well then drink at the rate of a cup in the morning and another at Sleep.

According to the study, ginger was the most effective antiemetic drug constructed.

In China, experiments were conducted on patients suffering from dysentery, and they found that 70% of patients with dysentery had recovered, and ginger was studied as an anti-bacterial, fungicide, and ulcer and as a pain reliever, where six clinical studies were studied and demonstrated the effectiveness of ginger, and there was another study on cholesterol .