Nagoya Expressway Toll booth closed due to infection ETC traffic allowed February 24, 21:08 from tomorrow morning

Six toll booths on the Nagoya Expressway that are closed due to the office staff of the company that operates the toll booth infected with the new coronavirus and staff who may have been in close contact have been waiting at home About, Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation has announced that vehicles that can use the ETC exclusive lane will be able to pass from the morning of the 25th.

On Nagoya Expressway, a male clerk in his 60s of a company that operates a toll booth was found to be infected with the new coronavirus on the 22nd, and the Nagoya Expressway may have had close contact with the clerk. 52 people, including toll booth staff, are on standby at home.

As a result of the shortage of workers, six toll booths have been closed, including five on the Tokai and Manba lines in Nagoya and one in Tokai.

The Nagoya Expressway Corporation has announced that from 6:00 am on the 25th, all toll booths will be able to pass cars that can use the ETC lane.

On the other hand, vehicles that are settled with cash or the like will not be allowed to continue, so it is expected that these restrictions will continue until early next month.

The Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation will inform users by displaying that there are restrictions on traffic on the electronic bulletin board in front of the tollgate.