, February 24th. Recently, iQiyi "Youth Has You 2" released a self-introduction video for trainees. The variety of self-recommendation methods of 109 trainees sparked heated discussions. Hundreds of seniors in the entertainment industry went online collectively to send blessings.

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With the successive release of trainee self-introduction videos, many stars have helped younger generations. Lehua Entertainment was led by Han Geng and Wang Yibo. Li Wenhan, Zhou Yixuan, Cheng Xiao, Zhu Zhengting, Fan Ye, Huang Minghao and others went out of the group to cheer up the young teachers and sisters. Jiaxing Xinyue trainees who participated in the show for the first time were self-helped by seniors such as Yang Mi, Dili Reba, Zhu Xudan, Gao Weiguang, Zhang Yunlong, and Zhang Binbin. In addition, Li Bingbing, Liu Haoran, Chen Feiyu, Pan Weibai, A Yunga, papi, Zhang Xueying, Sun Yizhou, Chen He, Jin Chen and other seniors also offered encouragement and blessings to trainees.

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In addition, Yu Shuxin, who recently appeared in "The Next Stop Is Happiness", also welcomed the partners Zhang Yujian and Wang Yaoqing in the self-introduction video. In the video, Zhang Yujian praised Yu Shuxin for “beauty and hard work”, and Wang Yaoqing, who played the role of “舅舅”, even looked forward to her “amazing performance”. Not only that, Chen Jianbin, Yuan Yongyi, Lin Gengxin, Hu Yitian, Zhang Xincheng, Li Zhiting, Lou Yixiao, Wan Qian, etc. also sent her blessings.

In addition to the artist's call group, the trainees' own varied and creative self-introduction content has also caused many netizens to discuss. The 109 trainees introduced themselves in some serious ways, some were weird, some were out of nowhere, and the program team adopted them all.

It is reported that "Youth 2" will hold a "cloud launch" on the 26th, at which time trainees will share the story behind the recording of the program, and will also exclusively disclose the training routine during the epidemic.