A document signed by the agricultural union demands the cessation of public aid for "industrial agriculture". - NEW CHINA / SIPA

The demand risks arousing lively debate. The agricultural union Confédération paysanne, NGOs like Oxfam, Friends of the Earth or Greenpeace, and two unions of teachers and employees demanded together on Sunday that public aid for "industrial agriculture" be stopped in order to build a "Social and ecological transition of agriculture".

"Support for industrial agriculture must stop," said a statement released by seven organizations, which denounces "the trap set by agro-industry and the policies implemented for 50 years".

An “ambitious” policy

"We demand an ambitious policy to support farmers in the agricultural and food transition, starting with the CAP and agricultural education," said the document signed by Nicolas Girod, farmer and spokesperson for the Confédération paysanne union, Jean-Marie Le Boiteux, secretary general of SNETAP-FSU, Cécile Duflot, director general of Oxfam France, Khaled Gaiji, president of Amis de laTerre, Jean-François Juilliard, director general of Greenpeace, Eric Beynel, spokesperson for Solidaires and Aurélie Found, spokesperson for Attac.

The common press release for a social and ecological transition plan for our agriculture @greenpeacefr @amisdelaterre @UnionSolidaires @attac_fr @snetapfsu @oxfamfrance https://t.co/vcTQXSWFEC https://t.co/ZeQldKI7n4

- Conf 'Paysanne (@ConfPaysanne) February 23, 2020

The “social project” of the Confédération paysanne, the third union representing farmers in France (behind the FNSEA and the Rural Coordination, NDR), is based on “peasant agriculture”, “food sovereignty of the territories”, and “the presence of numerous peasants ”rather than the concentration of farms in operation for several decades.

A broad national debate

This position came on the day of the launch of a vast national debate, dubbed "ImPACtons" which should last three months, to discuss the allocation of European CAP budgets, to allow the government to build by l 'was the strategic plan requested from each EU country by the European Commission on the subject.

The debate, launched during the Agricultural Show which opened on Saturday in Paris, but initiated since February 23, will be led by Ilaria Casillo, vice-president of the National Commission for Public Debate, doctor in urban geography and lecturer at Paris-Est Marne la Vallée University (UPEM).


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