Dr. Magdy Yacoub, founder of the Magdy Yacoub Heart Foundation, explained that the death of his "aunt", his father's sister, from heart disease at the age of 21 was the reason behind his dream to become a heart surgeon.

Sir Magdy Yacoub added that his father refused at first, but that the dream that he had grown up with since he was four years old was greater than his father's refusal.

Regarding the partnership of the Majdi Yaqoub Foundation with the makers of Hope, Sir Majdi said that the enthusiasm of the founders of the Hope Makers was a motive behind the completion of the partnership, which is a pride of the Majdi Yaqoub Foundation.

As for Dubai, Dr. Majdi Yaqoub, responding to a question posed by "Emirates Today", said that it has become a dream launching station.