Rapper Kanye West and wife Kim Kardashian - AdMedia / Starface

As summed up by a surfer on Twitter, it will no longer be surprising if Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have big heads: "They stop to eat wings, we put a commemorative plaque on them, after we wonder they have ego problems. "

New place of pilgrimage for @KimKardashian fans of @kanyewest and chicken. pic.twitter.com/dhV1xT296g

- KFC France (@KFCFrance) February 20, 2020

It is however true, the KFC of Strasbourg Saint-Denis had a commemorative plaque installed on the terminal where the star couple placed their order (but in fact not) Wednesday evening, a moment immortalized and shared on social networks. "A new place of pilgrimage for fans of Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and chicken," tweeted KFC France, not unhappy with this free publicity stunt.

As a reminder, and this is very important eh, "they did not manage to order on the terminal, explained the assistant director of the restaurant to 20 Minutes. We took them at the checkout and my colleague who was in speed did not recognize them immediately. "


VIDEO. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian spotted tranquilou bilou in a KFC in Paris


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West at KFC in Paris: "They did not succeed in ordering from a terminal, so we took them at the cash desk"

  • Kanye west
  • Paris
  • People
  • Kim Kardashian
  • Kfc