Last week it was also revealed that another participant comes from a right-wing background and that he has had tattoos with Nazi symbols.

- Today I would say that my tattoos are due to being uneducated, says Sami Jakobsson in the Big Brother television program.

Over the years, the docus openings have become increasingly scandalous. Cultural journalist Kristofer Ahlström also believes that the casting of participants has become increasingly extreme.

- People are looking for people who are going to be outspoken, controversial and provocative. This kind of opinion has suddenly normalized, says Kristofer Ahlström.

- I do not think that the production has deliberately sought out people with anti-Semitic sympathies, even though it is statistically unfortunate that a quarter of the participants have it, says Kristofer Ahlström.

Conflict surfaces create "good television"

Kristofer Ahlström believes that there has been a shift in what is controversial. Erik Niva participated in Farmen in 2001 and pretended to be vegan to provoke - and therefore joined the program.

Ahlström believes that people often cast people who are clearly each other's opposites to create conflict surfaces, that it will then be "good television".

- People think anti-Semitic opinions are good TV, then it must stand for them, he says.

The cultural news has searched TV4 for a comment. In the past, they have replied that all participants are selected because they have strong personalities, but that there is zero tolerance for this type of expression.