Psychology and pop: celebrities and mental disorders (replay)

Frequently discussed, mental illness remains poorly understood. © Pixabay / francescoch

By: Caroline Paré Follow


Video by: Caroline Paré Follow

The representation of mental disorders among the general public can be paradoxical.


On the one hand, they exert a fascination and a certain number of fantasies (diffused by tabloids and numerous works of fiction depicting mental disorders); on the other, they are frightening, and their often terrifying artistic approaches are taken at face value. Frequently discussed, mental illness remains poorly understood.
Is the mediation of certain symptoms a vector of stigma or, on the contrary, the means of giving a face to poorly understood disorders


  • Dr Jean-Victor Blanc , psychiatrist at the Saint-Antoine Hospital (AP-HP), in Paris, takes care of the addictions of the "millennial" generation and of patients suffering from bipolar disorder. Author of: Pop et psy how pop culture helps us to understand psychic disorders , published by Plon.
  • Pr Prosper Gandaho, Professor of Adult Psychiatry at the University of Parakou Benin. Head of the Psychiatry Service of the Departmental and University Hospital Center of Borgou, in Parakou, Benin
  • Gérard Garouste, French painter, engraver and sculptor. Author of the book L'Intranquille, Self-portrait of a son, a painter, a madman, Iconoclast editions.

At the end of the broadcast, we take stock of a study by the HAS High Authority for Health which recommends extending screening for sickle cell anemia at birth. We are talking about it with Dr Corine Pondarré, specialist in sickle cell anemia, who directs the pediatric reference center within the Inter- communal Hospital Center of Créteil.

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