I caught a very beautiful sentence, written on a plaque at the entrance of the Dubai Youth Center headquarters in the Emirates Towers, saying: "We welcome everyone who has a youthful spirit." This clearly means that determining the stage of youth of a certain age is a big mistake. Young people are a temporary stage full of enthusiasm, ambition, productivity and thought. Renewed, and not related to a certain age, as it never means years of age ending up over the age of 35!

A sentence of simple words, but in it a deep correction of a common mistake among a segment of society, an error that almost frustrated a wide segment of citizens, over the age of 35, as they began to feel that society had forgotten them, that they had no weight and no importance, so they were not of a generation Young people who receive the attention of government agencies, councils are formed for them, and officials listen to them, and they are chosen for new positions and company boards in accordance with the new laws, and they do not belong to a generation of experts who can work as consultants or experts, while they are still at the top of their giving and abilities, and who own Qualifications and potentialities Nat what others do not possess, they are a real force, as they have passed the stage of impulsivity and intellectual adolescence, and entered into the stage of complete maturity, depth in thinking, and the ability to make difficult decisions calmly and calmly!

There are those who are young, but it is difficult to depend on them, because even if they possess certain skills, they still lack more important and larger skills, so having the technology, the English language and ambition is a very important and vital thing, but nevertheless all of these things combined do not compensate for the weakness of personality and the inability to take The right decision, wisdom, calm, and necessary work experience, which are the tools necessary to describe success.

Therefore, it is wrong to think that youth is related to age, and it is more correct that it is related to the way of thinking and its style, the liveliness at work, the passion for learning and the transformation of experiences into real successes. Young people are really in the spirit, not in the number of years of life!

Do not associate creativity, innovation, and productivity with an age, class, or gender. History We learned that this link is wrong, and examples of that are very many. Creativity is a case, ambition, passion, intelligence, genius are qualities and talents, love of work and productivity, and how to make decisions are gains that are refined by experience and challenges, and we in a young society need In it all of these things put together, we need men of all ages, young people because they are the future, and they are the pillar of the state, and they are the guarantee of continuity in excellence, and they are the engine of the economy, and we need everyone, who are below the 40, and those below the 60, and those above the 60 as well, Each has its place, role and importance, provided N have all these youth spirit full of Athlon with enthusiasm, passion and ambition, and the desire to meet the challenges and overcome them.

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