Child abuse death of small 4 girl accused of responding to mother "facing sin" Noda, Chiba February 19, 5:23

In January of last year, a fourth grader girl was abused in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, and died after being abused. Defendant's mother appealed to the press, "I want you to face the crime and apologize in the trial."

Last January, in a case of Shinai Kurihara (10), a fourth-grade elementary school student from Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, died after being abused, his father Yuichiro (42) was charged with injuries and death. The first trial will be held in the Chiba District Court.

Earlier, Shin-Ai's grandmother, the defendant's 68-year-old mother, responded to a press report on the 18th.

After the temporary protection by the Child Guidance Center was lifted, Shin-Ai and the defendant's mother lived together for a period of time and said, "I think it would be nice to watch them carefully now. I'm really sorry and I just blame myself. "

He also said, "I was a gentle and attentive child.I had a dream of becoming a patissier, and it seemed really fun when I was making cake with my cousins ​​on birthdays and Christmas." I told you.

He then appealed to the defendant, "I want you to face the crimes you committed in the trial and apologize."