When you look at the movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood poster, you see American superstar Tom Hanks sitting smiling at you. In fact, there is no simpler and more informative picture of this to describe the film about the famous American TV character Fred Rogers.

Rogers is famous for offering a program intended for preschool children from 1968 to 2001, and two years later he passed away. The title of the film is taken from the name of his program, and for Americans, a film about this character may seem an unjustified attempt to excite Nostalgia for generations raised on this program. But watching the American movie and others leads to the same result, which is falling in love with the cutest character you might see on TV, because of Tom Hanks’s beautiful performance.

The film is based on a topic published by the American Esquire magazine, by investigative journalist Tom Johnwood, about Fred Rogers, but the film changes the name of the journalist to Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rise), makes it the focus of the story, and keeps Rogers (Hanks) as a side character and not a hero.

The movie was made entirely like an episode of the program, including the piano clip, and Rogers entered the studio as if he entered his home and sings and changes his clothes and shoes, but the camera follows the satirical journalist with a sharp temper, who is tasked with preparing a non-neutral and flattering topic on Rogers for the magazine mentioned in a 1998 edition. .

Vogel is surprised and despised by the ease of the task, and he goes all in contempt to meet the legend of the man. Even his wife Andrea (Susan Killichi Watson), who grew up watching Rogers, asked her husband not to destroy her childhood memories with a serious or cynical topic about the man.

But even though his sarcasm does not budge, Rogers manages to take possession of him with his great kindness, causes Vogel to open his heart and start talking about himself, revealing the sunken wound that his father Jerry (Chris Cooper) caused in the family, when he left them young and their mother dying, and how he affected That wound in their relationship over the years.

"A beautiful day in the neighborhood" cannot be considered a biographical movie, although its template indicates this. The film can be viewed in two ways: The first: It is a film about a man who is embarking on a journey of salvation with the help of «St.» Rogers, who urges tolerance and family reunification among family members. And second: it is a film about Rogers' way of influencing generations of American children.

Yes, his personality may seem simple or even an oversimplification, but it is the truth because this is what we see on the screen because of Hanks performance, and this is exactly what generations have seen when watching his program over the years. Rogers was a simple character and tied on his screen. And if his presence seems to be perfect for some and is already so in many parts of the movie, it is because he is excerpted from the Esquire theme, or from the old episodes of the program.

Of course, there are fictional parts developed by the screenwriters: Mika Fitzerman Bleu, Noah Harbester, and the artificial scenes do not look like they are from another movie. His personality has specific emotions or prevented her from appearing for the purpose of survival and the ability to carry on with life.

But all of that doesn't work while sitting down to meet Rogers, because the movie, directed by Mariel Heller (I've been able to forgive me two years ago), takes Vogel on an emotional journey shaped by Rogers' philosophy that makes him a therapist in addition to his basic work. This emotional journey is primarily the story tool in the movie, which sometimes gives priority to developing Rogers' personality over the process of their interaction, but it also answers the question: What do adults learn from watching Rogers?

Although there is no formal similarity between Hanks and Rogers, the former convincingly performs the character and mimics the behavior of the man nicknamed the Minister of Children for some parents. Hanks slows down the way he talks, hugs children and touches their hands.

In fact, we are seeing a near-perfect match, except for the form. Hanks is known to be the nicest American star, and here he performs the character of one of the nicest characters in the entertainment industry, Hanks energy in the role carries the message that the movie wants to communicate adequately.

We have a pause here, where Hanks is one of the few stars and may be the only person able to embody the character of an ordinary street man. Tom Cruise, for example, is overshadowed by stardom, and he cannot enter into a normal character even if he wants to. Unlike Hanks, who are specially chosen for these roles.

Imagine, for example, a cruise in the character of a cargo plane pilot in Castaway 20 years ago, and then compared him to Hanks. You will know that there is a reason for choosing the second for the role, not the first. Measure that the lost passenger character in "The Terminal", or the captain of the ship in Captain Phillips, will reach the same result because Hanks is the only one able to do so because of his features and his simple face-to-face versus handsome cruise that allows the latter the quality of the roles of the attractive man.

Perhaps the clearest and honest example of this point is Clint Eastwood's choice of Hanks to perform the character of Aviator Soleil in a movie with the same title, the heroic pilot who landed his plane in the Hudson River to save his passengers after birds penetrated the plane's engine. Eastwood is very careful in his choice, because he wanted a hero for his movie without starring features or a tyrant decoration, a hero who embodies a lifesaver like an ordinary street man, and there is no better than Hanks.

It is reported that Hanks was surprised after filming the movie, and after conducting genetic tests for reasons unrelated to the film, that he is related to Rogers, who becomes the sixth cousin or uncle of Hanks. It is reported that Hanks was nominated as Best Supporting Actor for this role.

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Hanks is one of the few stars, and perhaps the only one, with the ability to embody the character of an ordinary street man.

Hanks is known to be the cutest American star, and here he plays one of the nicest international characters in the entertainment industry.