Defendants seen by two doctors and bereaved family standing in court February 14 22:27

14th hearing after continuing the interview.
When the words of the bereaved sounded in court, the defendant seemed routinely unwilling. This day I felt it more prominently.
"I want to apologize to your parents.
I want my important son to be executed. "
Standing directly in court, he entrusted the word to a lawyer and told the five bereaved families who had been suffering for the last three and a half years.

"Naughty Tone" Has Changed With Cannabis?

Former employee Seiji Uematsu, 30, was charged with murder and other charges in a case where 19 residents were killed at a facility for the mentally disabled in Sagamihara City.
In the trials on February 7 and 10, about a month after the first trial, two psychiatrists came to court.

One was Dr. Tatsuya Osawa, who was in charge of the psychiatric evaluation conducted by the court and pointed out that he was "not ill."
The other was Dr. Yukio Kudo, whose defendant's lawyer, who alleged innocence that he had no responsibility, requested analysis.

First, they point out the defendant's personality.

The defendant Osawa, who was in charge of the court's psychiatry, is bright and sociable, but tends to be stubborn and assertive.
・ After entering university, their attitudes gradually change, they become more susceptible to certain people, and they have a pleasurable and antisocial tendency.

Dr. Kudo, analyzed at the request of the defendant's lawyer, is bright and sociable and unwilling to stand out.
-There is no apparent antisocial deviant behavior even though there are problematic behaviors, and the range of "the youthful". Naughty clown.

On the other hand, in the part related to the responsibility of the issue.

Dr. Osawa, the psychiatrist in charge of the court, said that the idea of ​​“killing disabled people with disabilities” was based on the defendant's strong thoughts and was not caused by illness.
・ A reasonable judgment has been made for the offense as planned.
・ I appeared after the incident and recognized the illegality.
・ The statement after the arrest was consistent with the alleged suspicion.

Pointing out these points, he pointed out that "there was some marijuana poisoning, but there was no effect on the offense or it was thought that it was small at all."
On the other hand ...

The frequency of use of Dr. Kudo and cannabis, analyzed at the request of the defendant's lawyer, has also increased to 4 to 5 times a week, leading to violent behavior and vigorous transmission of radical claims via SNS.
-There is no continuity between the previous personality and the personality for about one year before the incident occurred, and it is in an "unusual state of humans" and cannot be considered a natural change.

"The defendant should be considered a cannabis mental illness and should not underestimate the impact of cannabis on the offense."

One physician pointed out that "antisocial tendencies began to emerge gradually from college," and one physician pointed out that "the effects of cannabis have changed people one year before the incident." .

"Responsibility" is the only issue in this trial.
Its presence is directly linked to what sentence is sentenced.
We heard some esoteric words that we couldn't hear, but the decision was taken by the court, including a judge chosen by the public.

“Son made happiness”

And on February 12, the 14th hearing was held.
The five bereaved families reported their feelings.
Among them, the mother of a 43-year-old man who was called "Mr. Ko A" in court entrusted a document describing her thoughts to a lawyer representing her.

The mother's words read by the lawyer.

The mother of a 43-year-old man, "Ko S-san" "My time has been stopped since my son died.
I can't write New Year's cards since my son passed away.
I can't write Happy New Year.
My son came back to his home every year on New Year's, and was very happy to spend time laughing with him.
I was deprived of my son by my defendant and at the same time lost happiness. ''

The mother is alleged to have heard of all of the exchanges from a shielded auditorium in 13 trials to date.

The mother of a 43-year-old man, Mr. Ko S, said, "I didn't know why she thought she didn't need a son.
I went to court every time I wanted to know it.
All I knew was that the defendant had stabbed him without knowing who his son was or what kind of child he was. "

And it continued like this.

The mother of a 43-year-old man, "Ko S-san" "Even though a person with a disability is a single person, I just convinced myself that I couldn't understand it.
The defendant says, "Persons with disabilities create misery." It is the defendant who created misfortune.
My son was always making happiness.
Despite the difficult times, struggle and misfortune are different.
I want my son back.
I want to see my son again. "

A 26-year-old woman called "Ko C" who healed her surroundings with her lovely eyes. Until now, the mother has handwritten her thoughts on her daughter every year on her anniversary.
However, around December of last year, before the first trial, he said, "I feel sick when I think about the trial, and the language disappears."
That's why when I started standing in court on this day and said, "I really want to tell my daughter's thoughts," I felt like I could tighten my chest.

The mother told her to speak to her deceased daughter in front of a shielded testimony.

A mother of a 26-year-old woman, "Ko C", "I thought my daughter was very dear.
I loved being cute and cute.
I love the pool and the river and smiled comfortably.
I was happy to let me eat the chick.
`` Every morning, when I look at the laughing daughter's sight, I cry in tears when I want to talk all the time but can't see him again. ''

And it continued like this.

The mother of a 26-year-old woman, "Ko C-san" "My daughter was expressing herself with various expressions.
My daughter's smile made many people happy.
There was an important heart. It was an integral part of my life.
Even if you have a disability, it's an important life. ''

The defendant continued to say that people with disabilities created misery during the trial.
"Son made happiness"
"My daughter's smile made many people happy."
How did you take the words of their mothers?

"I want to apologize to your parents. Hope for death ”

A 60-year-old younger brother, called "Mr. Ko E", bowed deeply toward the defendant without providing any shielding, and stated at the beginning, "I will seek the defendant's death penalty."
He occasionally clogged his voice and conveyed it in a loud and clear voice.

The younger brother of a 60-year-old woman, "Ko E-san", died, was severely injured by a knife, and the staff, the family, and the people of the world lived with great unforgettable wounds in their hearts.
Reality is cruel.
It's about time to take your life seriously and the incidents that you happen to take seriously.
Uematsu, you are young and too young.
When you decide, you will accept or appeal, your life is once. Please think hard and decide. ''

And he said,

60-year-old woman "Ko E-san" brother "I have one request.
Please give my parents my contact information.
Probably the same generation as me.
I asked my important son, the death penalty.
I want to say a word. "

The woman's brother said in an interview about his sentiment:

A brother of a 60-year-old woman, "Ko-san", "I'm the only son who is important to my parents, and I want to apologize for asking him to die. It was painful to waste it, and speaking honestly about anything may have changed my desire for the death penalty. "

I remember strongly that he had relentlessly told him that he would have done so if he did not have to seek the death penalty.

The staff who shouted, "I have a heart" and stopped in court

There is a person who came to court from the position of working as a staff member in the same Tsukui Yamayuri-en garden as the defendant.

A woman called "Hei-B" who was on duty on the day of the incident and was detained and injured by the defendant.
The employee's woman was trying to stop the defendant attacking the resident by shouting, "I have a heart."
I couldn't see him surrounded by the shield, but occasionally shook his voice, talking about memories of the victims at the home he was in charge of.

"Hei B-san", a female employee who was damaged in the case
"Mr. Ko G (46-year-old woman) who always talked cheerfully.
Ko J (a 55-year-old woman) who spent time together when she couldn't sleep.
How painful were the victims who were suddenly stabbed with a knife while sleeping?
How much suffering was it?
How sad is your bereaved family?
I don't feel painful and frustrating if I think I can live with that feeling for my whole life. ''

"I have no value in living if I can't communicate."

"Hei B-san", a female employee who was damaged in the case
"Some people can't communicate in words, but sometimes they tell them in a non-verbal way, such as facial expressions or gestures.
Vital checks, meals, and excretion may be signs of something.
We staff members were conscious of such signs and assisted them. ''

He says he has heard the defendant's remarks in a trial to find out why the case occurred.

"Hei B-san", a female employee who was damaged in the case
"In the trial, various people questioned the preciousness of life and the thoughts of the bereaved family who were pleased with the existence of the users, but the defendants consistently said that their thoughts were not wrong. It was sad, sad and painful.
At the very least, I want defendants to confront the preciousness of human life until the very last moment when they lose their lives. ''

The day when the words of the victim arrived

On this day, Uematsu put on his mask in a black suit and lowered his head in the same way that his family could lower his head, but he did not change his expression.

We've been listening to all of the 14 trials so far, but the defendant seemed to be constantly trying to lose his face when the words of the bereaved, the victim, and his family sounded in court.

Even if I knew the weight of the life I took, I felt that I couldn't admit my mistakes and thought that I thought so.

Regardless of the expression in court, remember each word when you return to prison and become alone.
Even if it wasn't right now, it was a day I felt like I wanted you to think back and forth again and again.