Seven universities with inappropriate entrance exams at medical schools External institutions evaluate "nonconforming" February 6 at 5:22

Regarding seven universities, such as Juntendo University and St. Marianna University School of Medicine, where inappropriate entrance examinations at the medical school became a problem, external institutions that evaluate the universities are said to be "non-conforming" because fair entrance selection was not carried out I did an evaluation.

Universities are to be reviewed once every seven years by an external evaluation body that is approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the appropriateness of educational content and governance.

The University of Standards Association, which is one such institution, examined the universities that had problems with admission to inappropriate medical schools, and found that Juntendo University, Nihon University, Iwate Medical University, Kanazawa Medical University, Kitasato University, Fukuoka University And, seven universities including St. Marianna University School of Medicine were evaluated as “non-conforming” because fair enrollment was not carried out.

This “nonconformity” rating means that you will not be able to apply for state grants for educational programs.

Of the seven universities, only St. Marianna University School of Medicine did not admit inappropriate admissions to state-run studies.

Regarding this evaluation, St. Marianna University School of Medicine has commented, "We take the decision solemnly."