• Obituary: Death George Steiner at 90

Some of his books are essential pieces to understand the puzzle of contemporaneity and round trips in the field of humanistic thinking, wish the optics of the European Jewish intellectual. Reading Steiner, who died on Monday at age 90, is to understand the links between history and culture without exception, through precise and forceful writing, sometimes ironic.

Nostalgia of the absolute (1974)

This book brings together five lectures that Steiner gave on Canadian radio in the autumn of 1974. A display of scholarship, intellectual 'finezza' and irony about how new contemporary myths (from Marx to Freud) replace the spiritual realm of religion and manifest themselves also unable to provide an alternative to the crisis of the modern subject.

Language and silence: essays on literature, language and the inhuman (1976)

In this long essay the protagonist is language, words, and how they shape society and culture. Also the decline of ideas of progress in literature from Shakespeare to Kafka. And how they determine some sinister experiences (the holocaust) in the loss of faith of humanistic utopias.

On difficulty and other essays (1978)

Steiner's mind concentrates the most refined cultural and linguistic wealth that the 20th century bequeathes us. Its cosmopolitan, trilingual, wandering and dissident condition is an incentive against nationalisms and cultural and political localisms, and it is also the noblest key to an authentic understanding of otherness, the closest defense of plurality, the conviction that borders They are to be crossed.

Real Presences (1989)

This essay was conceived with a vocation of text against culture, with the aim of controversy on transcendent issues such as the existence of God, the limits of language, the quarrel between words and things ... And how the aesthetic experience of Literature, plastic arts and music have emptied meaning in our accelerated time.

The idea of ​​Europe (2005)

"Is it possible to summarize in a handful of institutions, ideas, traditions and customs what Europe is?" Around this idea, Geoprge Steiner displays a text of enormous wisdom and suspicion that opens circles, like stone in the pond, on a continent and an increasingly confusing and fragile moral and cultural legacy.

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  • culture
  • literature
  • Europe
  • Philosophy

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