The artist Karim Abdel Aziz pointed out that the team of the movie "Blue Elephant" started preparations for the third part, during which he will continue to present the role of the psychiatrist Yahya, but in this part he will be touched by the jinn, according to what was mentioned in an interview with the media, Essaad Younes, in her program Happinese.

He explained: "In this part, I am the one who is dressed." Abdel Aziz explained that the "jinn" that inhabited the artist Khaled Al-Sawy in the first part, then moved to the artist Hind Sabri in the second part, will move to him in the third to move at the end of the events to Karim Abdulaziz, to begin His suffering to get rid of him.

The film is written by the writer Ahmed Murad and directed by Marwan Hamed.