National Assembly: Questions to the Government. - NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA

Do more against the beating and suffering that occurs behind closed doors. The National Assembly is considering this Tuesday on a new LREM text devoted to domestic violence, which should allow a report from the doctor in case of "immediate danger".

Each year, more than 210,000 women are victims of physical or sexual violence from their partner. And according to the latest AFP count, at least 126 women were killed by their spouses or ex-spouses in France in 2019, and four since the beginning of this year.

The text notably authorizes the lifting of medical confidentiality when the health professional "has the intimate conviction that the adult victim is in immediate danger and that he is under the influence of (the) perpetrator". The doctor must "endeavor to obtain the victim's agreement" and failing this must "inform him of the report made to the public prosecutor".


Domestic violence: the anti-rapprochement bracelet definitively adopted

  • Violence against women
  • LREM
  • Society
  • Domestic violence
  • National Assembly