A travel and aviation expert has published a set of advice for passengers on board aircraft, advising them not to do so, according to what was published on the British "Daily Mail" website:

1 - Not to place the valuables in the storage boxes above the seats: groups of travelers take advantage of the passenger's sleep to search these bags and steal what is valuable in them, and they may contain laptop computers or cash, and the person does not realize that they are lost until after the plane lands.

2- Do not drink tap water: The travel expert says that the plane's tap water contains bacteria and parasites, and it is advised to stay away from using them even with a rinse.

3- Do not read seat magazines: Airplane seats are rarely cleaned to the extent necessary, and hundreds of passengers each week hold these magazines and their hands may be unclean.

4- Do not take off your shoe in the plane: One of the biggest mistakes that a passenger can make is to take off the shoe before the plane takes off or wear it when it descends, these two times are considered the most dangerous, as the possibility of an emergency situation when taking off and landing, which makes the old more vulnerable For direct wounds or fractures.

5- Do not stay seated for a long time: it is necessary to revitalize your body and ensure that blood flows well.

6- Wearing one layer: where the weather is cold in the upper atmosphere, and the complete preparation for such situations helps in limiting or controlling the transmission of immune diseases.