Base station for mobile phones Policy to increase standby power supply Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications January 27, 5:01

Last year, the power outage caused by the typhoon caused a prolonged impact on mobile phone communications, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will mandate that base stations covering prefectural offices and municipal offices have at least 24 hours of spare power. is.

Cellular phone companies are obliged to install backup power at base stations, but at present there is no indication of how long the power can be used.

On the other hand, in Typhoon No. 15 and Typhoon No. 19 last year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is considering establishing a standard for standby power because the power outage has prolonged the impact on mobile phone communications.

Specifically, base stations covering prefectural offices and municipal offices are required to secure at least 24 hours of spare power using generators and storage batteries.

For base stations covering prefectural offices and municipal government offices on remote islands and mountainous areas where restoration work takes time, companies are obliged to use spare power for at least 72 hours as an obligation to each company.

Also, base stations in areas where disaster base hospitals are located are expected to require at least 24 hours of service.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, about 5% of the 1,800 prefectural and municipal government offices nationwide have base stations for which standby power is not available for more than 24 hours.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications plans to review the system by the end of June.