The chairman of the upper house of parliament, Valentina Matvienko, proposed expanding the list of people who are forbidden to have foreign citizenship or a residence permit in another country. She suggested including diplomats on this list. “Lack of attention to this problem can cost our state dearly,” Matvienko said. At the same time, she recalled the difficult international situation.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed enshrining the mandatory requirement in the Constitution: not to have foreign citizenship and residence permits to people who hold key government posts in Russia, including the prime minister, ministers and governors.

Dual, or, as it is also called, multiple citizenship - for Russia this is a pure relic of the 1990s. It is understandable. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, the story ended, as the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama wrote. And much of what mattered before that, lost its meaning, and what didn’t matter - gained.

The end of the story is when the confrontation disappears, cause for conflict, there is no conflict of interest. Until 1991 it was: the Soviet bloc opposed the western bloc. The world was divided and tense, everyone fought for the global dominance of his own project, that is, that it was on his chord that the story ended.

And here - time! One project self-destructed. He simply stated that he would no longer resist, and ... he simply gave up. Not a draw, friendship didn’t “win”, as the proponents of the “convergence of the two systems” suggested - creating a single world management model based on the best manifestations of socialism and capitalism. Not even the inclusion in the project of “mondialism” - the management of the world by a single government created by the West, but with the promise to include some representatives of the Soviet elites in it. By the way, this first seduced Khrushchev, who was married and almost ruined the USSR even then, in the early 1960s. And then Gorbachev. But he misunderstood. I decided that they promised - it means they’re getting married, and I just “handed over everything at the price of a sandwich”.

Well, with the losers, as they say, they don’t stand on ceremony. “What is the entry into a single government? What participation in world governance? We won, you lost, sign here. ”

From that moment, the Russian Federation, composed of young reformers of the 1990s on the ruins of the former USSR, began to integrate into a single world. But not on their own terms, what was proposed to the Soviet bloc, but according to the residual principle - where to get it. “How can we be of service? Or maybe we will do something good? What do you want? Would you like gas, or oil, or other hydrocarbons? Take it inexpensively. The defense industry? ”- new Russian elites sought out before the new masters of the world.

Russia was built into the globalist project in fact, as much as it could, wherever it was taken, even it was ready in parts - at least a carcass, even a scarecrow.

Not only did the Western project win - it stunned, introduced the continental state into a geopolitical knockout.

For the residents of the former great Soviet state, the choice was two options - die of hunger quietly, eating the last humanitarian ration without salt, or surrender to the West with raised hands, taking with them whoever can: military secrets, residual Soviet technology, pieces of the Motherland, conscience, honor - who had what.

The West was primarily lusted for the new elites - the Democrats, quickly recognized as liberals, nouveau riche, young reformers, oligarchs and other crooks from Yeltsin’s entourage and those around him.

Everyone wanted to integrate into the West, but not with the country - it’s clear that they won’t take it anywhere, but each for himself, individually. He stole, converted, brought it to the western master - and wait in the dressing room in the folding chair until they call.

The way of life of the West, the way of thinking, Western culture, cinema, music, a consumer society - all this has become a matrix for the new post-Soviet elites, who built in whoever can. You could, of course, just leave, but how to go without money? First you need to steal something.

This algorithm of cultural, ideological, worldview reproduction of future grateful residents of the sacred West, traveling there as soon as possible, taking with them money stolen from the state, education and wives with children, preferably having arranged everything there before, works now.

Citizenship of one of the Western countries, a residence permit - this is what is a prerequisite for approaching the cherished goal. Working here, “in this country,” with abomination, clutching their nose, future citizens of the blessed West sleep and see how they will finally meet with their wives, who are equipping new houses and apartments, children who receive there, in the West, the only thing possible for the future Western citizen education.

Dual citizenship is when you still have to work here, where nothing else holds you, but you can already be where you are going to live the rest of the days with your loved ones. Having grabbed the last tranche, having started the last transfer to offshore, having thrown partners and having seized state secrets, it is already completely plunge into that life about which I dreamed and for which I worked. But first, take out all the most expensive - family, children, money. After all, it is clear that you can only live there. Here only survive or work "on there." Seeing in a dream how the second citizenship finally becomes the first and only.

The Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin called all this parasitic mass a biting term - the sixth column. The fifth column is understandable, these are frank enemies who challenge the state, its political system, its leader, people, culture, everything that is hateful to them. These are internal enemies, and when the state is weak, as in the 1990s, they climb into power, in the media, into education, into culture, destroying everything from within with hatred.

A slightly different sixth column. These are smiling and making themselves up as "friends of the president." They are outwardly soft and complaisant and even with pleasure will pose as patriots, sing the Russian anthem, putting a sweaty palm to their chest, and congratulate veterans on May 9. Their soul has long been there, and their thoughts are no different from the nouveau riche, the liberals and the young reformers of the 1990s, just not so openly, not so defiantly, for they are already unfashionable.

The sixth column obsequiously worships the West, but for the sake of preserving the bread position it will portray anything to you. It is not difficult to recognize them - by printing on the right hand and on the forehead ... That is, no. Till. By dual citizenship and residence permit.

But times have changed. Russia is no longer a colony of the West, but its main adversary, at least in the foreign policy arena. Russia has regained sovereignty and is helping to return it to many others. Russia is the source of peace and the rule of law, whether it be the Middle East or Latin America. Russia again has the best weapons and is able to ensure its security by building geopolitical alliances with China, India, Iran, driving the West into minority status on the path to a multipolar world.

Russia no longer surrenders, but the blood-sucking pest camarilla still continues to suck out the Russian economy, from year to year, from decade to decade, transferring $ 70 billion to offshore companies. second citizenship - in the idolized West.

Putin forbade state officials to have dual citizenship, and everyone turned their heads in their direction. The sixth pillar, living in Russia for the West, is a direct threat. Indeed, for the sake of the West, in order to reunite with their families, cling to their money, they are ready for anything. And if the West asks ... Well, how can I refuse. After all, you can lose everything. “Lack of attention to this problem can cost our state dearly,” said Valentina Matvienko. And in this she is absolutely right.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.