Aichi Komaki City official commits suicide as a “public disaster” January 21 17:04

A 30-year-old male employee who worked at Komaki City Office in Aichi Prefecture committed suicide by leaving a note indicating power harassment from his boss. We understood that we were recognized as "public affairs accident" corresponding to work injury.

In July, a 30-year-old male employee who worked in the information system section of Komaki City Office in Aichi Prefecture committed suicide, and his handwritten memo found in his room showed his intimidating attitude of his boss at work and " He said that he couldn't sleep at night.

The bereaved family members of the staff are to be recognized as `` public affairs accidents, '' which correspond to work-related injuries of private companies, because of sudden changes in the job content, such as transfer to a department that is not involved in their work, and power harassment by their boss, leading to suicide. We applied to Aichi Prefectural Branch of Public Service Accident Compensation Fund, but according to Komaki City Office, it was approved by the 21st.

Regarding this issue, a third-party committee established by Komaki City compiled a report in June last year stating that "it is highly likely that the boss's power harassment resulted in mental illness and led to suicide." We have disciplined female chiefs who were our bosses.

Regarding the fact that the suicide of the staff was recognized as a public affairs disaster, Mayor Shimoaki Yamashita of Komaki City commented, "We will take the certification seriously and will respond to shin, including further efforts in the future."