This insulting message was discovered this Sunday, on the Sainte-Croix church in Bordeaux. - Mickaël Bosredon / 20 Minutes

Particularly insulting messages. At least five churches were desecrated in Bordeaux, learned 20 Minutes this Sunday. The inscriptions, certainly made in the night from Saturday to Sunday, were discovered this Sunday morning.

Insulting message discovered on a church in Bordeaux on January 19, 2020. - Mickaël Bosredon / 20 Minutes

According to our information, the churches of Notre-Dame, Saint-Paul, Sainte-Croix, Eulalie, and the Saint-Seurin basilica, were targeted. Contacted by 20 Minutes , the mayor of Bordeaux indicates that “it is above all an insulting message to the pope. "

The Sainte-Croix church in Bordeaux, is one of the churches targeted by abusive messages - Mickaël Bosredon / 20 Minutes

On Twitter, the mayor of Bordeaux Nicolas Florian (LR) expressed his indignation. “Insulting graffiti was discovered this morning on the walls of several churches in Bordeaux. I condemn these acts with the utmost firmness. They will be deleted as soon as possible. A complaint is filed to find the authors. "

Insulting graffiti was discovered this morning on the walls of several #Bordeaux churches. I condemn these acts with the utmost firmness. They will be deleted as soon as possible. A complaint is filed to find the authors.

- Nicolas Florian (@ nflorian33) January 19, 2020


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  • Bordeaux
  • Society
  • Aquitaine
  • Church
  • Desecration