What will the news look like in 2050? - Pixabay

Infobesity, fake news , undermined independence, speed of flows ... The media are the subject of strong criticism. At a time when information is proliferating and technologies are changing the way we get information, they must reaffirm their role in order to guarantee reliable and verified information. So what will the media look like in 2050?

As part of Media and Citizens, a major consultation launched by Bluenove with nine partner media including 20 Minutes , we are publishing the contributions from the Bright Mirror workshops which have been held all over France since December 2019. To conclude this series , Sarah, Esperanza, Karine, Nicolas and Anne plunge us into a future where journalism and artificial intelligence are intertwined.

Virtual wall and holograms

“On January 15, 2050, I quietly drink my coffee and like every morning, I choose, on the virtual wall, the reporter for the day. Different holograms appear on the wall of my living room and I select Mickaëla, certified artificial intelligence journalist.

- Hello Mickaëla, what News can you offer me this morning?

- Mickaëla: What do you want to discover: joyful news, unusual news, or a serious reading of the news?

- Today, I leave you the choice. I have 15 minutes.

- Mickaëla: I suggest a jump to Boston where a team has just developed a vaccine against food allergies.

- Okay, but first give me a quantified top of the scope of the subject and its challenges, and during this time, I prepare my virtual reality headset. "

News has never seemed so real

“Mickaëla illustrates the subject with key figures, the state of science to date, offers a virtual map showing the areas most affected by allergies.

I then wish to obtain a systemic vision of the subject, interactive and iterative. I ask Mickaëla to present the point of view of the different stakeholders. We are going to Boston to the laboratory where the discovery took place.

She introduced me to a key player in this discovery: Mr. Thomson, director of the research center. I then find myself immersed in the laboratory, surrounded by test tubes, screens and centrifuges. "

"Tragic news has just fallen"

“I decide to question Mickaëla to discover the reality of a mother whose son suffers from massive food intolerance and finds myself screened in a kitchen in Reykjavik where the mother prepares an adapted meal.

All of this reminds me of the case of a close family member. I ask Mickaëla to send the summary of the subject to my cousin. Suddenly an alarm sounds, a tragic news has just fallen.

Mickaëla offers me an immersion on the scene of a tsunami in Brittany. From the top of a pine tree, I attend the arrival of help and offer my help by making an immediate donation! "


Ultra-connected, unreal… Media in the eye of readers


Ultra-connected, unreal… Media in the eye of readers

  • Virtual reality
  • Future (s)
  • Journalist
  • Journalism
  • Media