“The closest to me from what I heard is the following: many have power in the country, but who has responsibility within the power entrusted to people? It is necessary to increase the responsibility of those who make decisions and monitors how the most serious parts of the program that are voiced before the Russian people are executed, ”the conductor said in an interview with RT.

He reacted positively to the president’s words about material assistance to cultural and art institutions.

“We want to live in a strong, rich country. The country needs a strong presidential power, but one person cannot solve the problem of purchasing medicines, especially if this person is the president of the Russian Federation. So who is responsible? Who, in the end, should even be punished if we purchase low-quality drugs and so on? This all worries him, ”said the conductor.

In his opinion, the redistribution of responsibility will now occur rapidly.

“I, as always, hope that this year (at the beginning of the year it is customary to talk about it) will be successful. For Russia, it just has to be successful. It seems to me that we simply do not have another scenario, ”Gergiev concluded.

In the annual message to the Federal Assembly, the head of state proposed introducing monthly payments for children from three to seven years from January 1 of the current year for families whose income does not exceed one living wage per person.

He also announced the extension of the maternity capital program in Russia until the end of 2026.